The Castle of Fire and Fable by Steffanie Holmes EPUB & PDF

The Castle of Fire and Fable (BRIARWOOD WITCHES #2) by Steffanie Holmes EPUB & PDF

The Castle of Fire and Fable (BRIARWOOD WITCHES #2) by Steffanie Holmes EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Steffanie Holmes
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.7 MB
  • Price: Free

“Allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Blake Beckett. I
was born of the human realm to Colleen and Darren Beckett. I’m the
new member of your coven.”
Four pairs of eyes glared back at me like I’d just told them the world
was a giant wedge of cheese. There was Maeve – her beauty radiant even
through the crackled marks my spirit magic made across her face. Her three
witch boyfriends glowered at me, all fire and brimstone and “burn the
outsider.” At least the red-haired one had gone to the garden with the babies
– he was more ready than the others to run me through with a blade.
Just my luck, there were a ton of swords hanging conveniently above
my head, should any of the others feel the desire.

It would be a damn shame, especially since I hadn’t had a curry yet.
“Colleen and Darren?” The one they called Corbin asked, his breath
throaty from the sleeping draught the guards had forced down him. He
scrambled upright, his dark eyes swimming with pain and confusion. That
was good. Confusion was better than anger. When these witches were
angry, they also got stabby. “But…the murder suicide…”
I waved a hand. “Is that Daigh covered it up? Very classy. Make it a
bloodbath – that’s the Unseelie way.”

Corbin’s eyes widened. “What are you saying?”
“Daigh took me from my parents before their coven sealed off the
gateway. That’s how he managed to get me through – and even then, it cost
him much of his power for many years. That’s why I hadn’t been able to
leave Tir Na Nog until recently.”

“Haven’t been able to leave, or didn’t want to leave?” demanded the
particularly stabby blonde one with arms like tree trunks. I think was

I spied a door on the far wall and started inching my way toward it.
Better to be close to an escape route should this conversation continue in an
‘eviscerate Blake’ direction. Although with Daigh’s fae prowling around
outside the castle walls, I was probably safer inside with the stabby witches.
“Oh, sure,” I said breezily, meeting Maeve’s eyes and trying to plant the
thought in her head that I was trustworthy, that I was telling the truth.

that she knew what I could do, I wasn’t sure she’d trust her thoughts. “I just
love living in a world that’s only five miles square, where the weather never
changes, the food will poison me if I eat it, and the inhabitants are like
horny teenagers cooped up indoors with nothing to do, only they have
magic and a penchant for sticking sharp things into their pet human for shits
and giggles. Why would I ever want to leave?”

“You’ve come through the gateway twice before,” Maeve pointed out in
that measured tone of hers. “Once when you took Connor and once when
you accosted me in Jane’s bathroom.”
“Even when Daigh was strong enough to send a human through the
gateway again, he didn’t want to send me in case I ran away as soon as my
feet hit home soil.

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