The Candid Life of Meena Dave by Namrata Patel EPUB & PDF

The Candid Life of Meena Dave by Namrata Patel EPUB & PDF

The Candid Life of Meena Dave by Namrata Patel EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Available For Free Download
  • Author: Namrata Patel
  • Genre: American Humorous Fiction, Women’s Humorous Fiction, Friendship Fiction
  • Publish Date: 1 June 2022
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free

Meena Dave was tired, and not just from thirty-six hours of travel. She’d
expected a trinket, a ring of some sort, when she’d learned about an
inheritance. It should have been easy, a quick stop in Boston on her way to
New York from Auckland.

“If you had responded to our initial inquiries.”
Meena heard judgment in the husky voice of the woman who sat on the
other side of the large mahogany desk. The tall woman in the black, fitted
pantsuit belonged in this corner office with oversize windows.
“I was in New Zealand,” Meena said. And Tasmania, Tokyo, and Nova
Scotia before that. She sat taller to fight the weight of fatigue in her body.
Besides, most of her communication happened via email or text. She didn’t
check her actual mail for months at a time.

“As I mentioned,” Sandhya Shah continued, “you’ve wasted half of the
allotted one year, but at least you’ve managed to make it within the window.”
Meena reread the paperwork. “Are you sure you have the right person? I
didn’t know Neha Patel.” Another reason she hadn’t prioritized this when
she’d picked up her mail from her Manhattan PO box three months earlier on
her way from Portugal to the Pacific.

“We’ve verified your identity, and we don’t make careless mistakes at
Menon and Shah.”
Meena glanced at the index card in her hand. It was like the ones she’d
made herself in high school when studying for the SAT. This had a single
word and its definition.

engineer (noun)
1 a.: a designer or builder of engines
b.: a person who istrained in or follows as a profession a branch of engineering
c.: a person who carriesthrough an enterprise by skillful or artful contrivance
engineer (verb)
2 a.: to contrive or plan out usually with more or lesssubtle skill and craft
b.: to guide the course of
“And what is this?” Meena held it up to the lawyer.

“It was part of the packet to be turned over to you along with the keys.”
Sandhya tapped a manicured nail on the stack in front of Meena. “As soon as
you sign the paperwork, you can take possession.”
Meena skimmed the few paragraphs she could understand and glossed
over the legalese.

“To review the terms . . .”
“I have to wait out the full year—well, six months now—before I can
sell it,” Meena cut off the lawyer.
“And it can only be sold to one of the other four owners of the
building,” Sandhya said. “No outside buyers.”

Meena resisted the urge to take her long hair out of its messy bun and
braid the edges. A habit her mom had never approved of. Hannah Dave, the
only mother who counted. She stared out the large windows. The sky was
thick with clouds. Leaf-diving sky, her dad had called it. They’d go out in the
backyard and rake the fallen leaves into heaping piles. Then Meena would
take a running start and jump in, belly-first. This was why she’d avoided the
state of Massachusetts since she’d left it right after high school. Too many



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