The Calling by L.C. Pye EPUB & PDF

The Calling by L.C. Pye EPUB & PDF

The Calling by L.C. Pye EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: L.C. Pye
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Christian Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Price: Free

MY SMALL : СОТ WAS tucked under the only window .. in my room, which
meant the light peeked through the window and beamed across my face as
dawn approached. I moaned and rolled over, pulling my tattered blanket
over my head, which throbbed from another sleepless night. Mother’s
humming pulled my focus away from my pounding head, as did the smell
of her fresh scones. I jumped out of my cot and grabbed a light brown tunic
from my dresser, putting it on along with a pair of darker brown pants that I
tucked into my boots. Never one to obsess over my hair, I finished by
putting it into a loose braid, and walked out of my room.

The smell carried me to our kitchen, where I saw Mother placing three
small plates on our narrow wooden table. Our home was small and modest,
it didn’t have any frills like the Hunters’ homes. They enjoyed showing off
their wealth with lavish, unnecessary things. In our home, every item had a
use and did not take up much space.

As Mother gracefully placed the last plate in my spot, her gaze turned
downward and a small frown appeared. Her hand was shaking, so I made
my presence known in hopes of removing her worries. I wrapped my arms
around her petite waist and kissed her on the cheek, while also trying to
steal one of the scones without her noticing.

“Talia Caffrey, don’t even think about it. Not until your father comes
back.” She kissed me on the forehead and smiled, but her smile didn’t reach
her eyes. Her mind was elsewhere this morning, most likely on the calling
ceremony set for tomorrow.

My calling ceremony.
“Have you gone to see Jasper yet?” she asked, knowing that I hadn’t.
“Talia.” Her voice deepened, and she stopped setting the table to furrow her
brows at me.

“I will today after I’m done in the fields,” I said, and then gave her my
best apologetic smile. I can’t put it off any longer.
While grabbing three clay cups from the cupboard, I heard Father’s heavy
footsteps at the back door. “Laurel, I grabbed turnips and carrots to take
over to the Wilmans’ after breakfast.”

The Wilmans were our closest neighbors and had fallen on hard times this
past year. Sarah Wilman lost her husband to an injury at the beginning of
the year, leaving her alone with three small children, one of whom was sick
with a fever.

“Hopefully, his fever has broken by now, but I’ll grab some more
replenishing tonic from our supplies,” Mother said.
My parents had been bringing them food and medicine every day because
Sarah couldn’t afford to pay for either. This had always been the way with
my parents, giving generously to those in need, even if those people were
the same ones that shunned them.

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