The Bone God’s Wrath (THE BONE THIEF SAGA #3) by Heleen Davies EPUB & PDF

The Bone God’s Wrath (THE BONE THIEF SAGA #3) by Heleen Davies EPUB & PDF

The Bone God’s Wrath (THE BONE THIEF SAGA #3) by Heleen Davies EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Heleen Davies
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4 MB
  • Price: Free

I landed on the ground of Englewood cemetery and vomited right onto a
tombstone while Bory screamed my name in the background.
Biting back panic, I struggled to push myself up from the ground,
my arms trembling and my breath coming in ragged gasps as I tried to erase
the images burned into my mind, but they lingered like a festering wound.
I blocked out that the Blood Queen had sent us to the Topworld with her
damn book.
I blocked out that Rio was gone, that he was asleep now, that he wasn’t
with me. Again.

I blocked out that we were all thrown into the Topworld like vermin.
I blocked out that I had once loved it with all that I had.
My stomach convulsed, and bile burned my throat as I doubled over to
vomit once more. Sweat beaded on my forehead and dripped down my back
as I gasped for air. My heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest.
This was rock bottom. This was it. This was my downfall.
“Lynne…” Bory hopped in front of my face, whispering and searching
for my gaze.

And when he found it, he sucked in a deep breath.
In the cold, my body trembled uncontrollably, and dirt streaked my tearstained cheeks. I never thought I could feel so broken, hurt, used, and
betrayed all at once.

Looking away, I curled up and these damn tears welled up in my eyes
again. Why did they take Rio away from me every single time? Why? Why
couldn’t we just be two mundane people fighting over trifles? Why was this
life so skulling hard?

Bory’s eyes narrowed as he let out a heavy sigh, his jaw clenched and
his furry shoulders tense with hurt.
I finally noticed Ebony standing beside him, her arms crossed tightly
over her chest and my gaze shifted to the group behind her––Any next to
Mal and Ash with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. The tension was

We were all catapulted into the Topworld to save the world, but we had
no plan how to. A desperate laughter bubbled up in my throat as I kept on
wiping away the tears. We were nothing against the mess we were in.

A sudden creaking noise made me startle.
We jumped like deer in the woods, surprised by a forester, but there was
nothing to be found.

All was dark and—gods.
As I gazed out at the rows of tombstones, I saw it.
Everything was destroyed. My beautiful Topworld was… gone.
The resting place of the tombstones was disturbed, with scattered pieces
of stone littering the ground, as someone had brutally ripped them. The
once magnificent branches of the giant willow hung limply, as if struck by

Not a single bush or tree showed signs of life, their barren twigs
reaching towards the sky like bony fingers. And the grass beneath my feet
was no longer vibrant green, but a deep shade of black that reminded me of
the depths of the Underworld. Even the earth beneath it seemed to have
turned to tar, seeping through visible cracks in the ground. It was as if all
color and vitality had been drained from this place.

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