The Billionaire’s Contract by Jo Bradley EPUB & PDF

The Billionaire’s Contract by Jo Bradley EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jo Bradley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Fuck.” I tossed my phone down on the desk and grabbed a set of keys
off the hook on the wall. That was the third driver to call in sick
today. Tony and Blake were able to cover a couple of jobs, but Larry
left us a driver short. I already had big enough shoes to fill, taking over my
father’s limousine rental, without letting clients down.
And no one let this client down.

“I’ll take this one myself,” I said to Opal, my office assistant.
She brushed bright pink hair off her forehead and eyed me. “You sure?
Mr Ellison is used to Larry.”
“Mr Ellison will have to make do,” I said. “Unless he wants to catch this
nasty cold that’s going around.” Under no circumstances would I let my
drivers drive when they were that sick, contagious or not.
“Good luck then.” Opal smiled.

I snatched up my phone. “Thanks, I’m going to need it.”
I stepped out the rear door of the office, into the parking garage. Three
limousines, two white and one black, were parked beside a stretch hummer,
also black. All four vehicles were in pristine condition, immaculately clean
inside and out. Our clients expected nothing less. Neither did I.
I pressed the button on the wall beside the door. The garage door
clanged and slowly rose, revealing the side street outside the building. The
only vehicles to use it were delivery vans, my cars and anyone who was

I climbed into the driver’s seat of the black limo and turned on the radio.
I’d driven for Dad on and off for years before his retirement, but not since I
took over Pearson’s Luxury Limousines.

I didn’t mind getting my hands dirty, but my skills were in organisation.
Invoices and payroll, paying bills and keeping rosters straight.
This was a last resort I was only taking because I had no choice. This
particular client was known for being difficult. He may decide to terminate
our contract because Larry wasn’t his driver today.

“Fucking billionaires,” I muttered under my breath. Give me a good
wedding. I’d take a joyful event over a grumpy businessman any day. White
Wedding, pumping through the speakers, agreed with me. I ignored the fact
Money, Money, Money directly followed it.

I backed the limo out of the parking space and onto the road. Parkview
Tower was only a handful of blocks away, a few minutes, even in heavy
traffic. Today’s was mercifully light. I made it there by the start of the fourth

I pulled into the pickup area in front of the main doors and texted His
Ridiculously Richness to let him know his chariot awaited.

No less than five minutes later, Gabriel Ellison stepped out of the front
of the building, a laptop bag under one arm, oversized travel mug in his
opposite hand.

He wore a dark, navy suit, perfectly tailored and as
immaculate as my vehicles. He looked like he hadn’t shaved for a couple of
days, but his blue eyes were sharp.
I hopped out to open the door to the back of the limo to let him slip

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