The Billionaire’s Baby Revelation by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF

The Billionaire’s Baby Revelation (BILLION-DOLLAR BABIES) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF

The Billionaire’s Baby Revelation (BILLION-DOLLAR BABIES) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Holly Rayner
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Jamie!” Amelia waved her arms to get her nephew’s attention. “Hold
on tight, okay?”
“Okay!” Little Jamie, three years old this month, waved back with one hand
as he grabbed the seat with the other. He’d ridden the zip line a few times
on his own, and Amelia was confident that he could do it, but a hint of
nerves flared anyway as he jumped onto the seat and shot down the zip line.
It seemed faster than should be allowed in a playground.

“Aba?” Amelia’s attention turned to little Jade, Jamie’s little sister. At
twelve months old, she had just mastered the art of standing while holding
onto something, and she was now positioned next to Amelia’s bench in a
squat, a clump of dirt in one hand.

“Oh, honey.” Amelia gently removed the dirt from her niece’s hand, then
lifted the little girl onto her lap. “I’m sure we can find you something better
to play with.” She dug in the enormous diaper bag her sister had packed for
her and found a tiny toy duck. Jade squealed with joy, grabbed the toy, and
immediately popped it into her mouth.

With Jade satisfied and Jamie safely back in line for the zip line, Amelia
took the opportunity to scan the park for the other kids. Molly and Maisy,
Amelia’s brother’s six-year-old twins, were sitting at the top of the play
structure, playing an elaborate clapping game of their own invention. Ben,
the oldest at ten years old and the only child of Amelia’s oldest sister, was
playing Uno with a group of similarly aged boys. Everyone seemed happy
and safe. Amelia let out a relieved sigh and snuggled Jade closer.

It was a sunny Monday in May. The kids were off school for a teachers’
conference, and Amelia had happily volunteered to watch all five of her
nieces and nephews while their parents went to work. A few months ago, on
a Monday afternoon, Amelia would have been elbows-deep in a meeting or
scanning potential new hires for the start-up where she used to work. Yet
now she was here, holding a toddler and watching kids run and play.

Amelia sighed. She loved her nieces and nephews more than anything and
cherished the hours she got to spend with them while they were still little.
The time she had to really get to know these amazing kids was a silver
lining in the dark cloud of her having been let go several months ago.

Amelia sighed again. It wasn’t her fault that she’d been let go, and she
knew it — the start-up, Shondyn, had been bought out, and everyone had
moved on. Yet Amelia couldn’t really move on. She’d poured her heart and
soul into Shondyn.

Her job there, in HR, had been her first work out of
college and had lasted through her twenties. Amelia had sacrificed
everything to see the company grow, giving up on a social life when most
of her friends were out at parties and thriving in the dating scene. And then,
suddenly, it had all been over.

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