The Big Bamboozle by Philip Marshall EPUB & PDF

The Big Bamboozle by Philip Marshall EPUB & PDF

The Big Bamboozle by Philip Marshall EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Philip Marshall
  • Language: English
  • Genre: History
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

mwhile, another group of federal investigators reported to the
Inquiry that a Saudi with long and intimate ties to U.S. President
George W. Bush directly funded die [j ackers and that the
hijackers’handlers in the U. SThad access to seemingly unlimited g
from Saudi Arabia.” 1 “These findings led the inquiry*s chairman to
state, “There was t line* between the 9/11 hijackers and the
government of Saudi Arabia.**

we follow die hijackers to the desert tor flight training, we see that
another unit of sh Intelligence Community began setting up a decoy,
emphasizing in “Top Secret** 5 to Washington, a frightening menace
posed by some super-terrorist named Osama den. They sent a dozen
reports up to the president’s advisors, called PDBs, presidential
riefings, that would serve as proof that Osama bin Laden was
planning some sort of But when we check these reports, all we find is
hearsay, and nothing else, to support Turns. Then, as wc will see, in
the vulnerable hours immediately after 9/11, while ca staggered in a
state of profound shock, Bush Intelligence “officials” began pointing
ion to this ready-made evildoer.

; barrage of false media reports were so convincing that America
forgot our system :ice. In our haste, our rush to judgement, America
was led to believe in torture, idicial executions, media trials and
military tribunals.

t in a closer examination of this supposed super-terrorist and his
organization, all d are relatively crude bombings and decapitations of
hostages. The suggestion that a bln Laden, single handedly or
through his lieu tenants, had leaped from car bombs rtal defeat of all
elements of United States national security, with an air raid based
coordinated midair hijacking of four airliners, is preposterous. As we
will see from a etc analysis of the hijackers* tactical plan, it is not
remotely possible.

a methodical breakdown of the attack using official reports from the
National partition Safety Board (NTSB), radar recordings from the
Federal Aviation rustration (FA A) and recovered data from the black
boxes,we understand the intensive ration, intricate execution and
impressive skill needed to accomplish the 9/11 mission, ig surprise
for everyone who receives their “news’* from the six media
conglomerates is lis evidence takes us not to some shady terrorist
group, but again, to the Kingdom of Arabia: funding, logistical
support, tactical planners, Boeing airliners, Boeing flight etors. it s all
here, and it doesn’t end here.

r tv r e focus on the most capable of suspects, we find and examine a
series of documents, ;ned in the late 1990s by top financial
supporters and Cabinet members of the future Administration. Each
of these documents conclude with a plea for an American .ry
invasion into the Middle East. Suspiciously, one paper in particular
outlined a war iat mirrors what has actually transpired. Tie authors,
who name Dick Cheney as inspirational leader, wrote of an intention
to transform America after a hypothetical : attack described as “a

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