The Beast’s Labyrinth by Abigail Manning EPUB & PDF

The Beast’s Labyrinth (THE FAIRMYTH CHRONICLES #3) by Abigail Manning EPUB & PDF

The Beast’s Labyrinth (THE FAIRMYTH CHRONICLES #3) by Abigail Manning EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Abigail Manning
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Thea stacked the books in her arms, balancing them precariously as she
dusted the empty shelf. The particles flew up into her nose, but she bit back
a sneeze. She didn’t dare drop any of her master’s books—that alone could
be enough to lose her job.

She finished clearing away the dust with held breath, then returned the
old notebooks exactly the way she found them. The rest of the shelves were
just as dusty, so she tied an extra rag around her nose to avoid any more
disruptive sneezes. Lord Malik’s study was a vast and cluttered space that
never ceased to be the worst part of Thea’s day.

Everything had a proper place, but that place was never the same twice.
The documents were off-limits, the drawers were off-limits, and even
opening the windows wasn’t permitted because the lord was so anxious
about spies. All she was permitted to do was clean underneath the clutter
and put it exactly back as she found it. Which was easier said than done
when the notes stacked nearly as tall as his half-used teacup.
Even so, she was grateful for the work.

Thea went to work on the next set of shelves, making a mental note of
where every item went so she could remember where to return it. It was
hard for a mortal to find work in Olympia, especially when there were so
many useful nymphs who could offer more than what Thea’s two hands
could manage. So, she couldn’t leave any room for doubt. Everything had
to be perfectly clean, yet perfectly untouched.

The last shelf was the most stuffed full of junk. Thea tugged the rag
down from around her nose to get a better view of all the layered maps,
compasses, and drawing utensils. She’d avoided cleaning this shelf the last
few times she had been assigned to Lord Malik’s study, but by the looks of
it, none of the other maids had gotten around to dusting it on their rotations.
It would be just her luck that Lord Malik would pick her rotation to
complain about the shelf being left undusted.

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