The Baller by Vi Keeland EPUB & PDF

The Baller by Vi Keeland EPUB & PDF

The Baller by Vi Keeland EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author Name: Vi Keeland
  • Book Genre: Contemporary, Contemporary Romance, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Sports Romance
  • ISBN # B01AS4I3GU
  • Date of Publication: 2016-1-18
  • PDF File Size: 2.0 MB
  • EPUB File Size: 2.0 MB


My boss was a world-class dick.
Monday afternoon mandatory meetings consisted of three hours of
Charles Ulysses Macy the Third telling the mostly men in the sports programs
division about his latest conquest. I stared blankly out the window as he
droned on, wondering if any of his male ancestors had gotten their
pillowcases monogrammed with their initials. Imagine how much character
some bright red throw pillows would add to a guest room—flaunting the
initials the Macy men saw fit to pass down through their lineage—CUM.

I smirked and stood.
“Ms. Maddox?” Mr. CUM called out from the head of the conference
table. The table seated twenty, and the chairs were three rows deep. Sixty
pairs of eyes turned to look in my direction.

“Yes, Mr. Macy?”
“Did you have something to say?”
“No. I was actually hoping to slip out quietly. There’s a game tonight, and
I need to get down to wardrobe.”
“Well, run along. Don’t let a little thing like a team meeting keep you
from playing dress-up.”

There were a few snickers as I headed for the door, but I didn’t really
care. Most of them were just jealous anyway. Tonight I would cover the New
York Steel playing the Cowboys live while they watched the game on TV
with a beer in one hand and the other tucked into the waistband of their

More than thirty journalists had interviewed for my new position as World
Media Broadcasting’s staff football sportscaster. But it was me who was
going to talk to the players tonight after the game—not them. That didn’t
make me very popular around the proverbial water cooler. Even though I’d
worked eighty hours a week the last few years to get where I was, the men
who worked thirty were the first ones to blame my success on my magical
vagina. Screw them.

Instead of heading straight to wardrobe, I detoured to my office. Indie
wasted no time following me inside. She flicked her ankles and sent her heels
sailing into the air before perching on the arm of a guest chair, her bare feet
on the seat.

“Thought you could use that.” Her eyes pointed to a bar of Irish Spring
sitting in the middle of my messy desk.

“Do I smell?”
“It’s for the locker room after the game. It’s been a while for you. Figured
you could use a little I dropped the soap doggy-style slam.”

“You’re worse than Mr. CUM.” I packed files of research into my leather
briefcase while we chatted. I knew every statistic by heart, but I planned to
review it all again on the train anyway. “No soap for me. I have another
month on my cleanse.”

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