The Alpha Bear Prince’s Arranged Marriage (THE OMEGA’S ROYAL ARRANGEMENT #2) by Lorelei M. Hart EPUB & PDF

The Alpha Bear Prince’s Arranged Marriage (THE OMEGA’S ROYAL ARRANGEMENT #2) by Lorelei M. Hart EPUB & PDF

The Alpha Bear Prince’s Arranged Marriage (THE OMEGA’S ROYAL ARRANGEMENT #2) by Lorelei M. Hart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lorelei M. Hart
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.5 MB
  • Price: Free

I stood at the window, watching the soldiers march back and forth, their feet
crunching over the gravel.
“Why does it have to be gravel?” I’d asked my father, the king, as a child.
“And why are the soldiers stamping their feet? Are they going somewhere?”
As an adult, I knew the answers to all three questions.

1) Father liked the gravel because the noise was so distinctive.
2) Because soldiers never walked anywhere, or ours didn’t.
3) No. It was all for show. If we were invaded, I had no idea if they knew
how to use their weapons or if they’d run off, leaving me to defend my
father and our heritage.

I flopped onto a settee, not a sofa or couch. Father insisted on it being called
a settee. It could be worse. We could live in a drafty old castle and go to bed
with bed warmers under a thick quilt. Though if the bed warmer was an
omega instead of a long-handled metal thingie with coals inside it, I’d be up
for that. Part of me was up now just thinking about it.

Instead of the castle my family had lived in for generations, my greatgrandfather built a gaudy palace to show off our wealth. It was him who
insisted the gravel driveway be maintained after his death.
Monarchies were full of traditions that were just that: traditions that had to
be kept up. And that included marriage.

Mating, my bear insisted.
Yes, but we don’t know any shifter families that are rich or important
enough for the likes of Father.

Putting my feet on the settee, I thought back to the day of my tenth birthday
when my father had sat me down and explained that even though we were
shifters—I hadn’t met my beast at that age—I was expected to marry to
ensure the continuation of our dynasty.

I’d been in awe, imagining an omega riding in on a white horse and
scooping me up. At that age, being a prince was still a novelty. I got to ride
in a car or a carriage and wave at people lining the street.

My parents had brought in a hand-waving tutor to teach me how to swivel
my wrist just so. I dutifully followed his teachings until I got older and fed
up with being a prince. Now I often flicked my wrist or worse, flapped my
hand, much to my parents’ horror.

Dragging my thoughts back to arranged marriage, I steepled my fingers and
sighed, because the time for my betrothal was nearing and Father hadn’t
given any hints as to who my intended might be.

It had to be someone filthy rich and they had to wield power, or their
parents did. There’d be no point to the marriage if the boxes in those
columns weren’t ticked.

Being happy or in love wasn’t a consideration for a prince. But once the
ceremony was out of the way and my omega husband produced a child or

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