The Alien’s Abducted Romance Author by Margo Bond Collins EPUB & PDF

The Alien’s Abducted Romance Author by Margo Bond Collins EPUB & PDF

The Alien’s Abducted Romance Author by Margo Bond Collins EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Margo Bond Collins
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Humorous Science Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Captain Vhuron of the Dhrusten, Ahstram Clan, leaned back in the
control chair on the bridge of the Fleet ship he commanded, the
Ahstram Star, staring at the derelict freighter floating in space just
outside their bow.
The spaceship took up just about the entire view screen. That other ship was
why he and his crew were out here.
When he and his crew had discovered it, their scanning sensors pinging
them with the notice of a vessel sitting unmoving in the Klatek quadrant, far
outside the shipping lines, Vhuron had assumed it would be just another
merchant vessel, little better than pirates, attempting to bypass regulations
or fees and ending up stranded.

They’d been stunned at what they’d found.
Vhuron glanced at the scrolltab reader he’d placed on the console in front of
him, his lips pursed in thought as he considered the handheld device, the
armor plates that ran down his spine lifting and flattening in a slow rhythm.
When they realized they had stumbled upon a derelict alien ship, he and his
crew had, of course, followed protocol. There was no room for error in a
first-contact situation.

Quickly enough, though, they discovered there was no contact to be made.
Whatever had happened to the aliens aboard the broken-down hulk now
floating outside his ship had not involved sticking around. Vhuron’s crew
had discovered no one aboard the wreck—neither dead nor alive.
But they had discovered quite a bit otherwise. The creatures who had
abandoned the other ship were obviously intelligent—no race made it to
space otherwise—and in fact, seemed more like the Dhrusten than any other
race ever discovered.

For one thing, they were bipedal and bilateral. And
from the images his chief computing engineer had pulled out of their
database, they were similar in other ways as well. Their facial features were
remarkably like the Dhrusten, with sensory organs that seemed to function
much the same way.

They were a little odd-looking, to be sure. Their skin appeared to be entirely
without scales, making them appear as soft and vulnerable as a Vlala pet’s
exposed belly.

The females—or, at least, the ones Vhuron assumed were females—seemed
to have only one pair of mammary glands, and if Vhuron remembered his
xenobiology course from Fleet Academy, that suggested they were unlikely
to have more than a single offspring at a time.

He shook his head wryly, considering the litter his clan brother’s mate had
produced recently, the tiny offspring attacking each other with high-pitched
growls and small, sharp teeth, rolling themselves into balls to avoid any
serious damage from one another. Their spine ridges flattened against them
until they looked like a miniature version of a Bhrakin egg as they showed
nothing but the armor plating of their scales.

Vhuron’s hearts twisted into his throat. The thought of his clan brother
grinning at him with a glint in his eye flash through his mind.
“Isn’t it time you took a mate?” Adikto had asked. “I know you’ve been
able to put it off because of your position in the Fleet. But you cannot
escape it forever, you know.”

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