The Aftermath (THE KINGS AND GODS #2) by Erin Trejo EPUB & PDF

The Aftermath (THE KINGS AND GODS #2) by Erin Trejo EPUB & PDF

The Aftermath (THE KINGS AND GODS #2) by Erin Trejo EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Erin Trejo
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.6 MB
  • Price: Free

From the beginning of time our fates were sealed. We were raised to be
Kings, taking what we want when we want it. We were raised to be tough
and also to test our limits. But what happens if we cross the line between
what is expected of us and what we want? What happens then? That’s
where the lines blur. We are Kings, and we know their expectations. What
we don’t know are the repercussions of falling out of line. All we know is
the stories we’ve been told of those who didn’t follow the rules.

Not that any of us follow the rules because we don’t. We just know how not
to get caught. Rylan, Levi, and I have a pact. If one goes down, we all go
down. And that’s the way we live our lives every single day. We push the
boundaries set for us and see if they push back.

I’m not supposed to be here right now and the fact I am sends a chill down
my spine. It’s like an icy hand wrapping around me and freezing my lungs.
I bring the cigarette to my lips and inhale before blowing smoke into the air.
She knows I’m here. She tries to follow the rules of a princess even though
I know she’s anything but a good girl. She’s bad. My kind of bad.

I flick the cigarette over the railing and stand before striding into her room
through the double doors on her balcony. She can feel me. I can see the rise
and fall of her chest as she breathes rapidly, knowing I’m here. I reach her
bed, and I pull the blankets back, listening to her soft whimper.
Her bare legs are on full display as I look at her and notice she didn’t wear
panties tonight for me. She did this just for me. I smile behind my mask,
knowing my dirty little girl does these things for me.

I grab her ankles and pull her toward the end of the bed, letting her ass
barely hang off the end. I drop my backpack onto the floor next to me, grab
the blindfold and voice changer out, and set them on the bed. She knows to
keep her eyes closed, or she won’t get a thing from me, and I know exactly
what it is she wants.

I grab the blindfold and move toward her head, wrapping it around her eyes
and securing it. Her lips part, and I slide my fingers in, allowing her to suck
them. And she fucking sucks them too. It makes me wonder who taught her
how to suck like that.

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