Tested by Lindsay Buroker EPUB & PDF

Tested by Lindsay Buroker EPUB & PDF

Tested by Lindsay Buroker EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  •  Novel Title: Tested
  •  Author: Lindsay Buroker
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 2 MB

“Hah!” I wiped sweat from my brow and thumped the nail into the frame
with a single blow from my hammer. My modest claw hammer, not the
magical two-handed war hammer that I’d recently learned had a name and a
sentient entity inside. That entity had never deigned to speak to me, but I no
longer used the weapon to demo cabinets or tear down drywall.
“That is good work,” my new mentor, a half-dwarf enchanter named
Santiago, said from the muddy ground behind me. “I sensed you infuse the
nail with magic.”

“Yeah.” I wiped my brow again, drizzle from the misty morning sky
adding to the moisture. “When do I get to learn to enchant more substantial
things? And with spells that can do more than resist rust? It’s a perfectly
logical enchantment for the rainy Seattle climate, but…”

I didn’t bring up the various enemies I’d acquired these past months, nor
the sensation I’d had the last few days of being watched. It was possible
Sarrlevi was the one keeping an eye on me, without lowering his magical
camouflage to show himself, but my instincts told me that a new threat

“In the first year that I trained under my dwarven father’s tutelage, I spent
six months enchanting tiny mundane items before he finally allowed me to
work on something with more value.”
“Is there any chance I’m a quicker learner than you are?” I smirked over
my shoulder at him.

His graying eyebrows rose.
“Never mind.” I hopped down from the wheeled trailer that I was erecting
my roommate’s tiny house on. It was at the back of the five-acre lot Abbas
and I had purchased for our next project and, since it was mobile, didn’t
count as one of the three new houses we could build after fixing up the
original nine-hundred-square foot rectangle from the fifties. “Nobody has
ever called me a good student or quick learner. My only A in high school
came in shop class.”
“You are doing fine. You’ve gotten this wheeled house off the ground
with impressive speed.”

“Yeah, because it’s an oversized shop project.”
Santiago smiled, a patient and fatherly smile. His oldest son was my age.
“You have inherited more power than is typical for a half-blood,” he said, “so
it’s possible you’ll be able to grasp the basics quickly and imbue items with
more power than I.”
“So… it’ll be three months instead of six before I can move beyond
“Maybe five.”

I grimaced.
He snorted. “Do you wish to enchant the wrench again?”
“Didn’t I already make that rust-resistant?”
“As long as you’re careful, you can layer enchantments on top of each
other. It’s not as simple as working with a single spell, since you need to
learn about the properties of each and make sure aspects do not interact
negatively with each other, but your mother’s hammer—” Santiago waved at
the tire the dual-headed weapon leaned against, never far from my reach, “—
has at least twenty enchantments that I can detect.”
“Are there some you can’t detect?”

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