Tempted by Becca Steele EPUB & PDF

Tempted (LSU) by Becca Steele EPUB & PDF

Tempted (LSU) by Becca Steele EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Becca Steele
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


What the fuck was happening to me? One minute I was on a night out
with the London Southwark University football team, and the next, a
guy dressed in shorts and sparkly blue ankle boots was in my lap.

I repeat, what the fuck?
I suppose I’d better rewind to the beginning of the night…
“Everyone’s here, and I dunno about you, Benny boy, but I’m ready to
celebrate!” Ander flung an arm around my neck, sending us both staggering

“Whoa. Watch it.” Righting myself, I grinned at him. “I’m ready. Can’t
believe I finally made it onto the first team. Even as a reserve.”
“You proved yourself today.” The voice came from behind us and I
turned to see Travis, the team captain, holding a net filled with footballs.

“That goal was superb.”
“Yeah, you’ll be giving Levi a run for his money in no time.”
“I heard that!” Levi, one of our strikers, called from the side of the
pitch, where Liam, Finn, Preston, and Pete were all doing cooldown
stretches. He shot me a grin. “It’s true, though. Nice goal.”

“Cheers.” I ducked my head, biting back my smile. Praise from my new
teammates was the best validation I could’ve hoped for. Although the first
and second teams often trained together, we tended to hang out in our own
groups. I’d finally been given a chance on the first team when a couple of
the guys had dropped out with injuries, and in my very first game against
Roehampton Uni, I’d actually scored a goal.

I was definitely in the mood to celebrate.
One drink had turned into two, which had turned into three. Then there
were shots involved, and all of a sudden Ander had decided that we should
meet up with his boyfriend and one of their housemates, JJ, at a club. What
I hadn’t realised was that the club in question, Revolve, was a gay club. I
had no reason to suspect—yeah, I knew that a few of my team members
were gay or bisexual or whatever—Levi, Preston, Liam, and Ander, but the
rest of the team members were straight…although I guess I shouldn’t
assume. Just because someone hadn’t explicitly stated their sexuality, it
didn’t mean they were necessarily straight. That was…what was the word?
Heteronormative or something.

I wasn’t gay. But I might’ve been a little bit bi-curious. Not enough to
ever want to do anything about it, but y’know, sometimes I wondered what
it would feel like to suck a dick. Or I might’ve watched some porn of guys
wanking. Things like that. It might have been normal for straight guys, but
it wasn’t exactly the kind of thing I’d bring up with my mates. “Hey, guys,
do any of you wank to porn of other guys wanking? Or wonder what it
would be like to suck a dick? No? Just me, then.”
Yeah. Not happening.

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