Temptation by Anne T. Thyssen EPUB & PDF

Temptation (DARK REVENGE #4) by Anne T. Thyssen EPUB & PDF

Temptation (DARK REVENGE #4) by Anne T. Thyssen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Anne T. Thyssen
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


I traversed the dimly lit, crimson-hued chambers, my senses heightened as
I sought out my targets. The slow pulse of blood coursed through my veins
as I observed the throngs of writhing bodies, the air thick with an unsettling,
intoxicating aroma, and the distant moans that barely registered in my
consciousness. I endeavored to divert my thoughts from the vacant stares in
the eyes of the women, and the repugnant disregard exhibited by the men
who cared for nothing beyond their own pleasure, eagerly thrusting
themselves into any available hole.

Yet, as I navigated the labyrinthine corridors lined with open doorways,
where onlookers could witness the torment within or switch places, I
realized that it wasn’t solely women ensnared in this debauchery. Men, too,
found themselves trapped, some alarmingly young for such depraved
pursuits, and my heart ached with the recollection of my own anguish. At
times, it was difficult to discern whether the victim before me was male or
female—or perhaps neither—and it became evident that this place made no
distinctions. Whatever you desired, or rather your private parts craved,
could be gratified here.

Alison’s father and his friends were complicit in this darkness, unhesitant
to indulge even the most sordid desires. As I continued through the
corridors, the ambiance shifted, doors closing and silence descending. It
became evident that certain areas required special keycards for access.
Were those fuckers inside? Did they harbor their own sinister desires that
needed gratifying? I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. But how
could I gain entry? Glancing around, a woman passed by me carrying a tray
with a drink, beside which lay a solitary pill. Whether the pill was intended
for the drink’s recipient was a question worth pondering. These victims
were so heavily drugged, I marveled at their ability to navigate through
these narrow passageways.

A gasp caught my attention, and I turned to see the woman who had been
carrying the drink being forcefully dragged into a room, the tray crashing to
the ground and the glass shattering. It was clear that no one was safe, not
even the servers.

Pressing on, I hoped to discover an end to this seemingly endless maze.
Yet, there appeared to be no conclusion in sight, and I found myself back in
the initial main room—a circular space with a bar and casino tables. Some
of the women were collared, relegated to kneeling beside their “Masters”,
while others were seated on laps. Casting my gaze around, I spotted a
disturbing scene in a dark corner: a young guy being fucked in the midst of
it all by an older, overweight man who had lost much of his hair.

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