Tempt Me (FALLEN BRETHREN MC #3) by Erin Osborne EPUB & PDF

Tempt Me (FALLEN BRETHREN MC #3) by Erin Osborne EPUB & PDF

Tempt Me (FALLEN BRETHREN MC #3) by Erin Osborne EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Erin Osborne
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

AFTER A FULL day of classes, all I want to do is get on my bike and ride
for a while. I have homework and reading to do, but the call of the road and
freeing my mind from all the bullshit swirling around makes me want to
drop everything and out race my thoughts. I quickly stop by my apartment
to drop off my bag and change into my riding gear. Once I’m dressed and
ready to go, I pull out my phone and check for any missed calls or

Everyone knows my schedule so it’s not surprising to see I only
have one message on my phone from Playboy. My uncle messages me at
least once a day to check on me if I’m not working in the garage. If I’m
there, he simply stops in and takes me out to eat when I’m done working. I
love being close to this part of my family because we’ve only gotten
together sporadically over the years and now I can see them on a daily

Playboy: How’s your day sweetheart? What are you doing for
dinner? If you want, you’re more than welcome to come over. Sam is
making a feast and we’d all love to see you.
Me: I’m about to head out for a ride. It’s been one hell of a day and
I just need to clear my head. I’ll take a raincheck on dinner though. Tell
everyone I say hi and that I’ll call gramps later tonight or tomorrow. I
missed my last call with him.

Playboy: Okay, sweetheart. If you need me, call. I’m not going
anywhere tonight. Is Kingston riding with you?
Me: No. Just a solo ride today. I’ll be okay. Gonna head up to the
lookout point and relax before I come back to study and do my homework.
Playboy: Love you, sweetheart.

Me: Love you too, Uncle G.
With a smile on my face, I lock my apartment up and pull up my
playlist. Today is a day for the music to be cranked as high as I can get it
while I ride. The smile is still on my face as I reach my bike and set my
gloves on the tank while putting my key in the ignition. Turning it on, I
press the button to start the engine and listen to the sound of my bike. A
thrill goes through me as always.

Yeah, I’ve been a backpack more times
than I can count. Never for anyone I was in a relationship with, but my
family members who I’ve ridden with over the years. Knowing I can come
out and get on my own bike is the best feeling in the world. I don’t have to
wait for someone to ask me if I want to go for a ride with them. I can
simply walk out and get on my bike whenever the need to ride strikes me.
Putting on my gloves after putting my phone in the mount I have,

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