Teas’d (EVERGREEN COUNCIL) by Vin George EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Vin George
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Why is that delivery box still in the hallway, Charley?” Dad, or Dalziel
Millar, Senior Vampire of the UK, if you want to use his more formal title,
eyes me like he could see through my skull and into my brain if he only
concentrated a bit harder. “I’m sure this is the third time I’ve mentioned it.”
It’s a really good box. I’m convinced I’ll find a use for it, but, as yet,
I’ve not been struck with the right answer. I can’t say that though. Dad
already thinks I’ve got a few screws loose. Okay, he doesn’t say that, but
I’m sure he thinks it.

“I, uh, it could get damp in the tower.”
Dad’s eyes narrow alarmingly. “There is damp in the tower? Where?
And why have you not said anything before now? Why hasn’t Lucien said

Oh crap. Me and my idiot mouth. “I didn’t say it was damp. Just that it
could be. And if it was, which it’s probably not, then the cardboard would
get ruined and the box, which is a great box, would lose its structural
integrity and then—” I grind to a sudden halt as Dad holds up his hand.
“So what you’re saying is that the tower is free from damp and this is
purely an exercise in the convoluted way your brain works, right?” He rubs
a hand across his left temple and I feel a pang of guilt. Can vampires get
headaches? I’m enough to give anyone a brain ache, I know. Even Luc
occasionally begs me to be quiet for a while. Well, that’s not strictly true —
he gags me and fucks me until I can’t recall my own name — but it’s the
same thing really.

Shit, I can feel my cock hardening in my cargo pants at the thought of
Luc holding me down and controlling my orgasms. I do not want a hard-on
in front of Dad. Or at least, not unless I’m feeding, then it seems we all do.
Get horny, I mean.

Jesus, what was I supposed to be saying again? I blink at him,
wondering if Isher or Eleanor or even Pavel could possibly walk by and
save me. Fuck Dad for reinforcing most of the house with hidden iron so
my magic no longer works indoors. I know he didn’t do it to stop me, but
it’s still fucking inconvenient.

“Charley.” I snap to attention. “Are you with me, son?” He closes the
gap between us and reaches up to clasp me around the back of my neck.
“Are you unwell? Your concentration is poor today.”

I inhale a deep whiff of whatever it is Dad smells of; cologne, soap, old
books, the faint rust-tang of blood, cool, fragrant pine trees, and fresh air.
Family. “Sorry,” I mumble into the fine cotton of his shirt as I lean down
and hide my face in the crook of his shoulder. “Away with the fairies.”

His soft snort of laughter is fond. “Let’s not tempt fate. Although you’re
a tad on the large side to be a likely candidate for a changeling trick. Now,
pay heed for a moment please.”

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