Tangled Power by Jillian Witt EPUB & PDF

Tangled Power (COMPASS POINTS #2) by Jillian Witt EPUB & PDF

Tangled Power (COMPASS POINTS #2) by Jillian Witt EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jillian Witt
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“You really think now is the time to make a weapon?” Luc’s voice was
still groggy while pulling a shirt over his head and entering the
Suden workshop.

Rose already had the fire going. She’d been at it for hours. In some
recent past, she’d hoped to drift off to sleep for one more night without the
responsibilities of a Compass Point, but that was beyond her grasp. At least
Luc had given her a few hours of bliss—their relationship so new and
begging to be explored. Her magic strained toward him as he walked in.
There was a wanting between their magic she’d never experienced before.

Hiding her power for the last ten years gave her no indication of whether
this was normal between fae lovers. She attempted to refocus on her task,
with her mind racing through the next steps to save the continent.
“Yes,” she said, glaring at him. “I obviously do.” Well in the midst of
forging, she gestured to the work before her. “When else will we have time
to make you a weapon?”

Dawn approached, the darkness on the lake fading. The pair had
promised to return to Norden house early to fill in the many blanks they left
after the Refilling Ceremony the day prior, but they still had hours.
Luc tapped his finger to his chin playfully. “I thought you didn’t want to
make weapons for the Suden Point.”

“That was ten problems ago,” Rose replied, adding the eye-roll his
comment deserved.

Slow, careful steps brought Luc across the room. She pretended to
ignore his approach, focusing on the blade she was crafting instead.
Hammering at her anxieties usually worked for her. Luc was standing
dangerously close before she acknowledged him. Pine and cinnamon filled
her nose as his magic enveloped them. It was a presence all its own—
demanding to be acknowledged.

Her back to Luc, the slow smile that
curved her lips was hidden. He was releasing his power from the tight hold
he typically kept over it. Since acknowledging this thing between them was
real, it seemed to strain for her when they were close. Whether it was a
conscious decision or not, it was a heady thing to have his power so
singularly focused on her.

Part of her wanted him to unleash it.
“You may want to give me some space,” she said. Her words came out
breathier than intended as she relaxed into his magic. It was thick in the air
around them, tendrils circling and spiraling in all directions. His magic
dared her to lean back into it, but she already knew it wouldn’t let her fall.

Raising his hands in surrender, Luc halted his progress, his magic
slipping away from her. “Tell me what you need.”

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