Talon’s Hurricane by C.K. Noel EPUB & PDF

Talon’s Hurricane (SATCHEL PRIDE #4) by C.K. Noel EPUB & PDF

Talon’s Hurricane (SATCHEL PRIDE #4) by C.K. Noel EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: C.K. Noel
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Betrayal of Domi’zel

Seven millennia ago, the Obsidian Desert,
outskirts of the Nether Realm…
THE PUNGENT STINK OF sulfur permeated the air. It mingled with the
smoky residue that veiled the black sands. Fallen minions and demons lay
scattered, their lifeless forms a testimony to the battle’s ferocity. The
remains of the once mighty were now extinguished in the aftermath. They
silently spoke of a conflict that had lasted days. But now, we stood

With a lingering burn in my chest and adrenaline coursing through my
veins, I couldn’t suppress the overwhelming surge of pride. Drawing a deep
breath, I unleashed a triumphant roar, its resonance echoing through the
shadowed expanse. It was a shout not just of conquest but a declaration that
I, Domi’zel, would not be easily defeated.

Mal’ek, an upstart demon lord of the southern firewoods, thought he
could usurp my territory and position. He quickly discovered that I had
staunch allies and an unyielding determination to defend my dominion.
Another roar sounded beside me. I turned to see Jul’phanar, radiant in
victory. Molten patches played across his bronzed gold skin, and his auburn
hair, now a fiery red orange, seemed alight with dancing flames. His
pristine white wings, a sharp contrast to his fiery demeanor, extended
majestically from the openings in his luminous armor. The gold glow of his
eyes mirrored the brilliance of his triumph.

“We did it, Juls. We did it,” I said, my voice filled with delight.
A grin spread across his beautiful face. Tossing aside his helm, he rushed
over and wrapped his arms around my waist. His bronze skin contrasted
with my obsidian color.

I laughed as Juls, with surprising strength, lifted my larger frame off the
ground and joyfully swung me around.
“We sure as hell did! Mal’ek and his forces are destroyed. The realm, the
emperor even, will think twice before turning against us,” he said, setting
me down and smashing his lips to mine before I could scold him.
We shouldn’t be taunting the emperor. Aw fuck, his lips tasted as sweet as
ever. I’ll admonish him later, I thought, before moaning and pressing into
his embrace.

The clanking of our armor rubbing against each other caused me to pull
back. I wanted more; I wanted to feast and dive into my carnal desires.
“We should take this elsewhere and get more comfortable.” I paused.
Looking around, I spotted the smooth, polished onyx skin of my faithful
minion and the captain of the guard, Jorin.

“Jorin!” I yelled. “Ensure the men are taken care of. Share the spoils with
them.” Jorin, stoic as always, simply gave a nod.

I grasped Juls’ arms, focusing on our command tent. In an instant, the
landscape shifted around us, and we were within the safety of our quarters.
This ability, known as ‘mist-flashing,’ was a testament to my rank as a
demon prince, allowing for near-instantaneous travel. It was a privilege few
possessed and one I wielded with pride.

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