Taking Over (THE BILLIONAIRE’S SUCCESSOR #3) by Rebecca Kinkade EPUB & PDF

Taking Over (THE BILLIONAIRE’S SUCCESSOR #3) by Rebecca Kinkade EPUB & PDF

Taking Over (THE BILLIONAIRE’S SUCCESSOR #3) by Rebecca Kinkade EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rebecca Kinkade
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


That’s the number of men who have approached me with desirous—and
unsettling—expressions on their faces this evening. The count began when I
stepped onto the terrace at my family’s estate, and hasn’t subsided even
though dinner is scheduled to begin in a few minutes. At some point, I
figured they’d get so hungry or drunk that they’d kindly get the fuck away
from me. But old, horny men are a bit like Gremlins: If you feed them after
midnight, all hell breaks loose. Well, in this case, if you put a beautiful
heiress in front of them after eight pm, all hell breaks loose.
Seven of them.

Seven—not counting the ones who have kept their distance, but still stare
shamelessly from every dark corner of the terrace, eyeing me over the halfempty drinks clutched in their wrinkly hands. They know I see them. They
want me to see them.

Based on some rough, back-of-the-napkin math, I figure their average age
is around sixty-three years old. Maybe sixty-eight, actually. Walter
something-or-other, my father’s accountant, surely notches the mean up by
several years. Then again, when old guys hit sixty it’s practically impossible
to pinpoint their ages. Old as fuck, let’s say. Their average age is old as

As I sip my bourbon, trying my best to politely tolerate suitor number
seven (who has been droning on about real estate investments for most of
this horrendous conversation), I want to throw my drink into the nearby
fountain. The thought of screwing one of these ancient men settles uneasily
beneath my skin like a parasite. The mere suggestion makes me want to
crawl out of my own body—a monumental feat because I happen to love
my body.

They’re relentless, willing to rip out each other’s jugulars for a chance
with me. In fact, even while number seven is shooting his shot, Walter
something-or-other is standing by the bar, constantly glancing in my
direction. Despite his delusions of subtlety, he’s unabashed. Creepy. I
wonder if he stares because he’s genuinely attracted to me, or if—as my
father’s accountant—he knows how much I’ll inherit one day.

I could vomit. Hell, I’ve had better experiences getting a full Brazilian.
I’m used to men approaching me, but tonight is different. Tonight they’ve
been completely presumptuous—smug because they were invited to my
billionaire father’s birthday party. They only care about how lovely I’d look
on their arms next to their Rolexes, regardless of anything below the

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