Taken By Touch and Torment by Maggie Sunseri EPUB & PDF

Taken By Touch and Torment (ETERNAL OBSESSION #2) by Maggie Sunseri EPUB & PDF

Taken By Touch and Torment (ETERNAL OBSESSION #2) by Maggie Sunseri EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Maggie Sunseri
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Rune had once told me he called me Little Flame because I had a fire
inside of me that refused to die. He’d said that no matter how many
times I’d been betrayed, abused, demeaned, and violated, I possessed
a blinding hope that I tended to devotedly, never allowing it to fizzle out.
He’d said it was the most beautiful thing about me—this radical choice to
stay open and warm in a world that was overwhelmingly cold and brutal.
Then he’d told me everything he’d ever said to me was a result of my
succubus magick. My parasitic manipulation. He’d said that I meant
nothing to him—that I’d never meant anything to him at all. Everything
he’d ever felt for me was nothing more than smoke rising from my dead

With an inflexible, thick collar locked around my throat, Rune’s lyrical
spoken poetry billowed further and further out of my reach. My kidnapper,
the leader of the born vampires, hoisted me to my feet and pushed me

My head spun, my empty stomach rumbling. Flickering crimson candles
illuminated the golden designs on the dark walls and ceiling, the onyx
statues of Lillian and her consorts, and the burgundy and black furniture.
“Go to the door,” Durian commanded. His tone was forceful and cold. I
flinched instinctively.

I’d been fighting for so long. To keep my head lifted, my steps light, my
hope in a better tomorrow vibrant and within reach. I’d been absorbing
every blow, transforming each crucifixion into sublimity.

But too many wounds had been dug into my flesh—my demon flesh. I
no longer reached to close the cuts, to clot the blood. I poured, and I leaked.
My head dipped. Each step forward was labored with the weight of my
heaving limbs.

In Durian’s palace, surrounded by Lillian’s psychopathic spawn, I was
hemorrhaging. And I was lucid enough to understand that made me marked
for death.

My head pounded as I moved forward, my gaze trained on the heavy,
ornate door that was left open just a crack. Liza must have delivered a
brutal blow to my skull when she rendered me unconscious and dragged me
onto her firebird. Not to mention I’d barely slept, ate, or drank water in
days. Nor had I fed. Because apparently, I needed to be around others in
order to survive—to siphon desire from surrounding people.

I’d been on my way to see Rune. To stupidly fight for us one more time,
even if it killed me. Clearly, fate had much worse plans.

“No, no, no.”
Durian’s condescending voice raised the hairs on the back of my neck.
“Crawl, pet. You have not yet earned your walking privileges.”

My face heated. I froze.
And in that sliver of hesitation, I heard a whoosh before a loud crack.
An excruciating burst of pain erupted on the backs of my thighs. I cried out,
tears immediately pooling in my eyes as I fell to my hands and knees. A
shiver rolled through me as the biting sting continued to assail my nerves in
aftershock waves. Whatever he’d hit me with had been long and thin, rigid
like wood.

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