Taken By the Wraith King by Chloe Graves EPUB & PDF

Taken By the Wraith King (ABDUCTED BY THE RUTHLESS ROYAL) by Chloe Graves EPUB & PDF

Taken By the Wraith King (ABDUCTED BY THE RUTHLESS ROYAL) by Chloe Graves EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Chloe Graves
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My knees ached against the cold marble floor. From under my lashes, I
followed the endless patterns of green and onyx from one end of the
room to the other, then traced the carvings reaching for the ceilings of the
grand palace chamber.

I’d made the same bored journey countless times in my ten years of
enslavement as Matriarch Ashera’s personal verdant.
“Bring him in,” Ashera commanded, her voice cutting through the
oppressive silence.

The massive stone doors at the far end of the chamber swung open.
Four guards entered with their backs to Ashera on her throne, their weapons
drawn and aimed at the prisoner in our midst. Four more took up the corner
positions around him, with another four guards trained on the prisoner’s

The guards shoved and dragged the prisoner forward. Chains around his
wrists, ankles, and neck rattled with each step. Despite his bindings and
escort, he held himself with a regal defiance, his eyes blazing with

The prisoner was unlike any I had ever seen. Deep purple skin stretched
over a muscular frame. Fresh wounds marred his torso and leaked rivulets
of black blood. Thick horns, ridged like ancient bark, curled back from his
temples in an intimidating display.

I’d only heard whispers of their existence, fragments of stories passed
down to scare children into good behavior. Their ability to phase through
solid matter, to manipulate the forces of death itself. If half the tales were
true, he could kill us all without lifting a finger.

A ripple of uneasy murmurs passed through the gathered venterran elite,
marking the prisoner’s passage. His kind had been considered extinct until
five years ago when rumors of assassinations by living shadows began
filtering through the Triarchy.

Before that, none had been seen alive in the three centuries since the
venterrans drove off their oppressors and began their own reign of terror.
But here he was, captured sneaking into the drive core of a Triarchy
vessel. A unit of ten venterran troopers had been needed to subdue him, and
only three breathed at the end.

Ashera rose from her throne and descended the dais. With a flick of her
wrists, she straightened the cloak trailing behind her. She circled the wraith
with measured, deliberate steps that flashed the intricately embroidered
panels depicting the Triarchy’s conquest over the wraiths. Just another
insult as the predator toyed with her prey.

“So this is one of the infamous wraiths who dared defy the Triarchy.”
She traced a finger along his jaw, her nail drawing a thin line of blood.
“Your once great empire reduced to attacking our supply lines, disrupting
our order. Your kind should have stayed dead.”

The wraith said nothing. He kept his eyes fixed forward, as if she were
beneath his notice. Ashera’s expression contorted with impatience. She
backhanded him across the face, the sharp crack echoing through the

Still, he did not flinch.
“You will tell us everything. Who are you?” Ashera demanded, the
pupils in both sets of eyes narrowing. “Where is your base?”

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