Taken (ABDUCTED BY THE RUTHLESS ROYAL) By the Naga King by Celia Kyle EPUB & PDF

Taken (ABDUCTED BY THE RUTHLESS ROYAL) By the Naga King by Celia Kyle EPUB & PDF

Taken (ABDUCTED BY THE RUTHLESS ROYAL) By the Naga King by Celia Kyle EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Celia Kyle
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


GRAVON WINDED THROUGH THE empty corridors of the Imperial
Nirum, making sure his impressive ship was prepared for the journey ahead.
Though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, his latest travels for “exploratory
purposes” had been little more than an attempt at brief respite from the
overwhelming duties he faced as the newly appointed king of Nirum.
He needed a break to ease his troubled mind, even if he had to pretend the
trip served some indecipherable political purpose for his people. As king,
everything was expected to be for his people.

“Like it would be the worst thing in the world to admit I wanted a
vacation,” he muttered when he was sure no one could overhear.
Just an hour ago, the ship had buzzed with dock workers loading food and
supplies for the return trip to Nirum, but now that everything appeared to be
in place, most of them had dispersed to other jobs around the space station.

Only his personal and trusted servants remained, though Gravon had no
complaints about the relatively peaceful state of things.
“What else does His Majesty require?” A voice at Gravon’s back filled the
silence he had embraced.

So much for getting some quiet to myself.
The time Gravon had to himself had come and gone in the blink of an eye,
the way it perpetually seemed to, since assuming the throne at the death of
his father eight moons ago. Gravon had been raised as the heir apparent and
thought he was prepared for the position, but the way it had rattled his brain
over the past few moons had him beginning to suspect there was no such
thing as truly being ready to rule over an entire planet.

He hadn’t even had the time to grieve his father properly, though he tried
not to think about that too much. Truthfully, some would probably say this
trip was to address that buried need, but Gravon chose to ignore them.
He swallowed his annoyance at having his solitude breached and turned to
his head servant, Jakam. Jakam was a Niri who had served his father for
many years. Though he had no political education, Jakam was a very useful
advisor when it came to kingly behavior, and Gravon typically found his
presence soothing.

Just not today, when he wanted to be left alone.
“I don’t know yet, Jakam,” he admitted. “I’d like to personally take an
inventory and make sure nothing is missing. Then I think we’ll be ready to
depart. Why don’t you relax for a moment. Make sure your personal effects
are stored properly and you’re prepared for liftoff.”

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