Taj (MEMBERS FROM MONEY SEASON 2 #129) by Katie Dowe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Katie Dowe
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
He adored this time of the day. Spring was in the air and the scent of
flowers blooming filtered into his nostrils. Patting the sweating flanks
of his restless horse, Taj Byrne dismounted, looping the reins over a
nearby sapling.
Taking off his hat, he combed long fingers through the thick
shoulder-length blonde hair before dropping down to sit on a smooth
stone facing the stream. Dipping his hand into the clear, cold water,
he watched as it trickled through his fingers, his expression absent.
The scare was over of course. Their physician was monitoring his
grandfather’s heart attack. It had been a harrowing week, one where
he had been unable to concentrate on running the ranch for fear that
he was losing his grandfather.
Thomas Byrne was the heart and soul of the family and even though
he was pushing eighty-five, his vibrant personality and the strong
bond between them was something Taj was not certain he could do
He had been ordered to take it easy, which meant no longer taking
his horse for early morning rides or drinking his favorite scotch and
having the occasional cigar. His meals would now be closely
monitored and his habit of sneaking sweets from the kitchen would
now be curtailed.
He had grumbled and put up a fight, but they were all determined to
carry through with the doctor’s orders.
“We want you around for another ten years at least.” Theodore, his
son, and Taj’s dad had told him firmly. “And if I have to personally
see to it that you obey every one of these rules, I guarantee you, I
Taj had seconded it by telling him solemnly. “I need you, Gramps.
Dad and I need you and you must think about that.”
It was almost dawn, which meant that it was time to rouse himself
and get on with his day. There were steers to rope and the spring
picking of fruits to see to. A fresh set of horseflesh will be coming in
later today.
The spring weather, although a welcome change from the harsh
winter that seemed to continue forever, had brought a deluge of rain
that led to flooding in some areas.
Vagrants had somehow managed to cut through the chain link,
leaving a gaping hole in the east side of the property. That had to be
mended and fortified. It was a damn nuisance, and something was
going to have to be done about that particular worry.
Three of the ranch hands were down with a vicious case of the virus
going around, which left them shorthanded. Seasonal workers would
be passing through looking for a place to bunk down and make some
extra cash and they would soon be inundated with an entire cast and
crew in just a few days.
Taj had signed off on the agreement, but he was not certain this was
a good time and he had said as much to his dad.
“I thought you were the one who said it would be good for the ranch.”
“I know I did, but we also have visitors coming to gawk and ask
stupid questions once a week, which is something we should think of
doing away with.”
“It’s up to you, son.”
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