Tainted Love (MERRIMACK MAVERICKS HOCKEY #2) by Steffanie Blais EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Steffanie Blais
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2.3 MB
- Price: Free
“You’ve Got a Friend”
Sascha – Age 5, 1975
I adjust the straps of my Looney Tunes backpack, jittery with excitement as
I join the line of other kids outside the classroom door. Some cling to
their parents like remoras attached to their favorite shark, while others stand
alone, looking around with teary eyes. I remember watching a show about
remoras with Jacques Cousteau on Friday night after the Muppet Show. But
unlike Cousteau’s undersea world, the parent sharks here cling onto their
remora children right back. Everyone looks terrified.
I wonder if the sad kids will have their parents stay all day. I hope not.
This is our chance to be immipendant. No. Imdimemnant. No. That’s still
not right. It’s a tricky word. It’s our chance to be alone without our parents,
and I’m excited about it.
Last week, I visited this place, met my teacher, and saw my classroom.
It’s a nice room with lots of toys and games to play with. We have a
separate area from the big kids, with a fenced-in play structure, sandbox,
and swings. This way, we won’t get lost or wander off. I look around at
other kids who look ready to bolt and understand the need for that fence.
Mom’s fingers wrap around Dad’s arm, and she shifts her weight back
and forth. “Do you want us to come inside with you?” she asks again.
I smile at them. “No, Mama. I’m good,” I say confidently. “This is going
to be fun.”
I walk toward the line of students, ready for my first day of kindergarten.
I’ve been practicing my letters and numbers daily—determined to impress
my new teacher, Mrs. Jones.
As I get closer to the line, I see a boy in front of me wearing brown pants
and a blue shirt with a big collar. He has a Tarzan backpack on his
shoulders, and his hair is all slicked back. He looks like he could be a
friendly kid.
He turns and looks at me, then over at my parents, standing a few feet
away. “Are those your grandparents?”
I shake my head. “No, that’s my mom and dad.” They wave at me from
far away, still trying not to cry. Their smiles look fake, and their eyes glisten
in the sun. But I’m not embarrassed or scared because I know they’ll be
waiting for me after school.
“Why are they so old?” The boy asks with a mean look and too much
judgment behind his words.
“They aren’t old!” I snap. It’s true; the other parents look younger and
hipper than mine. That much is obvious. My mom and dad have gray hair
and more wrinkles; their clothes are simple and comfortable. But they are
not old.
“Your dress is ugly,” he hisses. He’s not nice at all. So, I will have to
destroy someone on the first day. It was not in my original plan, but so be
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