Tag, We’re It by Tris Wynters EPUB & PDF

Tag, We’re It (NOT-SO CHILDISH GAMES DUET #2) by Tris Wynters EPUB & PDF

Tag, We’re It (NOT-SO CHILDISH GAMES DUET #2) by Tris Wynters EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tris Wynters
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Hands paw at my body; some rough and calloused, some smooth and
firm, but they all paw nonetheless. Gripping, tweaking, flicking; my
whole body tries to recoil from the intrusion.

Everything is dark. Too dark.
And, I can tell that I’m naked. Far too naked.
I flinch away from a hard squeeze of my breast, feeling as though it may
burst in the man’s hand. The pain is all-consuming until a heavy hand
smacks my bare ass. I scream in agony, tears sliding down my cheeks like
twin waterfalls.

“Shut up. No one cares about fat whores, Stupid girl.” A deep voice
A big mitt of a hand wraps around my throat and squeezes, preventing
any air from getting in or out. “You disgust me. You disgust us all.”
The dark fabric covering my head is suddenly ripped away, and the inky
darkness turns fuzzy.

Blinking my eyes a few times, I see that it’s nighttime. We’re in the
woods behind my property; at the pile of limbs I had built up to burn.
I frantically look down and around me, my eyes slowly adjusting to the
darkness as the moon reflects just enough light to make out my

I’m in the burning pit I have for downed limbs, but it’s different. The
logs now form a wide circle around me instead of just being stacked
randomly on top of each other. My feet are tied to the bottom of a giant
root lying horizontally and cross-tied to a colossal limb that stretches far
above my head. A quick tug confirms that my hands are roughly bound
behind my back.

I also visually confirm that I am, in fact, completely and utterly naked. I
force myself to stop crying even though my body shakes with humiliation
and pain.

Movement to my right causes me to snap my gaze forward, and what I
see almost immediately makes me puke as fear surges through my body.
Four men.

Four men, standing in front of the moonlight like death’s children.
They’re all in black, standing calmly like they’re waiting for my reaction.
My eyes must be popping out of my skull as I take in their faces.
No, not faces…masks.

I try, and fail, to swallow multiple times as I look at each man.
One is tall and wide, like a football player. His dark clothes do nothing
to tell me who he is or what he looks like, but his red Jason mask slashed
with black markings is creepier than anything I’ve ever seen.

The bright
red of the mask looks all too much like blood. I’m usually not squeamish,
but it’s different when you’re pretty sure your blood will be spilled next.
I shiver, and my bottom lip trembles. “P-p-please…” I beg, knowing it
won’t do any good. If these men plan to hurt me, they will, and there’s
nothing I can do about it.

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