Sylas’s Captivating Mate by R. E. Butler EPUB & PDF

Sylas’s Captivating Mate by R. E. Butler EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: R. E. Butler
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

SYLAS MCCALLUM YAWNED as he came around the
corner of the supernatural hotel during his afternoon rounds. His tiger was
on alert, even if he was currently the most exhausted he’d ever been in his

He and his siblings—his brother Ronan and his sister Taryn—had come
to the supernatural town of Belle Terra when they’d been on the way to visit
Jonathon Black, head of the National Were-Fighting Association, that
allowed shifters to fight each other for the entertainment of humans for
money. They’d planned to join up with the alpha wolf’s fighters and use
their ability to travel within the states to hopefully locate their truemates.

Sabertooth tigers like themselves were able to procreate only with their
truemates, and they located their truemates through mating dreams. Ronan
hadn’t had a single mating dream until they’d crossed into the state, and
then they’d ended up rescuing his truemate Alanah, a fairy who’d been
imprisoned by her king. Then Taryn had found her truemate in a warlock
named Dredge, who lived at the supernatural hotel, and the couple were
opening a magic supply shop next to the hotel’s flower shop.

Which just left him and the weird dreams he’d had since Taryn and
Dredge got together. All he saw was a moonlit night. Not even a full moon,
as far as he could tell, just a generic moon which could be waning or
waxing, he never could really see clearly, and he had no clue what the
moonlight was actually revealing. Woods? City? Some barren desert in the
middle of nowhere?

He leaned against the corner of the hotel and scanned the parking lot.
Two weeks ago, they’d come to Belle Terra after rescuing Alanah and
joined up with four other sabertooth tigers who called the town home along
with their mates. Then someone had put car bombs near the entrance to the
hotel and nearly killed his brother and his new mate. And then someone had
tampered with the electricity at the hotel and the club owned by the
vampires, collectively known as a kiss.

His sister and her mate had caught the culprit who’d left toxic flowers at
the vampire club down the street soon after, knocking out many people
inside and creating havoc. They’d realized that vampires were targeting the
kiss-owned properties, but after the males who’d targeted the place escaped,
the only thing they knew was that the culprits were vampires. No one knew
the reason for the targeting.

So everyone was on alert, from the vampire kiss to the club where many
of them lived underground, including master Caleb and his saber mate Lia,
to the hotel where sabers worked alongside humans and wolves to cater to
guests whether they were supernaturally gifted or not.
“Anything?” Slade, one of the other sabers at the hotel, asked as he
walked out of the hotel and spied Sylas.

“Nah,” he said, straightening. “I wouldn’t expect vampires to come after
anyone during the daytime, though.”

“True, but they did find ways to attack the hotel during the daytime.”
“Good point. But no, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.”
Slade nodded, scanned the parking lot, and then turned to Sylas. “You
look tired. You need a break?”

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