Swindled By a Spinster by Rachel Ann Smith EPUB & PDF

Swindled By a Spinster (WAGERING ON LOVE #6) by Rachel Ann Smith EPUB & PDF

Swindled By a Spinster (WAGERING ON LOVE #6) by Rachel Ann Smith EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rachel Ann Smith
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.6 MB
  • Price: Free

The chatter of his peers within the confined walls of Brooks’ Great
Subscription Room exacerbated the throbbing in Torrance
Glenmore, Baron Kilman’s head. With little to no sleep for the past
fortnight after placing his best friend and confidant, Lady Phoebe Peters, in
the care of another, Torrance wished he’d never agreed to return to London
without Phoebe. To escape the monotony of pacing the length of his study,
Torrance had ventured out to his gentleman’s club in hopes of seeking
solace amongst his fellow peers.

However, rather than banishing all
thoughts of Phoebe and her two younger cohorts, Lady Lillian and Lady
Ruth, he was subjected to the absurd hearsay of his peers. The stories as to
why the trio had gone missing for a fortnight ranged from the ridiculous to
the scorchingly scandalous that even his jaded ears burned red. The truth of
the matter, unbeknownst to most, was that the women had taken it upon
themselves to track down a group of bandits, retrieved jewels belonging to
the Royal Treasury, and had narrowly managed to escape the thieves.

blood boiled at the reminder that Phoebe had put herself in danger and he
hadn’t been close by. Or perhaps his foul mood was due to the fact that he
had been utterly clueless, so self-absorbed in his own affairs he hadn’t
noticed the woman was investigating matters on her own. Eyes closed and
fingers pressed tightly against his temples, he tried to block out the shouted
wagers speculating on what the three women had been up to while traipsing
about England.

“Lord Kilman.”
Torrance jumped to his feet and stood at attention as he recognized the
deep, authoritative voice of Lord Archbroke, his superior and Head of the
Home Office.

The man who had basically orchestrated Torrance’s life for the past
decade scanned the room and said, “Follow me.”
Without hesitation or question, Torrance trailed behind Lord Archbroke
who had been his protector, leader, and close friend ever since their days at
Eton. Archbroke was not only a genius, but the man possessed the innate
ability to act with authority and purpose that few could resist.

As they strode through the halls of Brooks’, Archbroke greeted their
peers with a smile that Torrance knew all too well hid the man’s true
emotional state. Having studied Archbroke over the years, he’d learned the
brighter his superior’s smile, the more likely it was that Torrance was about
to receive an earful. In Archbroke’s capacity as the Head of the Home
Office, he almost certainly had more than a few words to say about the
outcome of Torrence’s actions.

Stepping out the front doors of Brooks’, Torrance blinked multiple
times to block out the bright rays of sun beating down on him. He shuffled
closer behind Archbroke and descended the steps dutifully in the man’s
shadow as they marched down the crowded path of Bond Street.

His heart began to race. Archbroke, who was always short on time, was
setting a rather sedate pace. What was his superior, the master of
stratagems, thinking? Archbroke side-stepped into an alley and tugged
Torrence along with him.

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