Sweep of the Heart by Ilona Andrews EPUB & PDF

Sweep of the Heart by Ilona Andrews EPUB & PDF

Sweep of the Heart by Ilona Andrews EPUB & PDF – Details

  • Author: Ilona Andrews
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

A new adventure begins. But first, cake.
here was great wisdom in striking the iron while it was hot.
I took a sip of my iced tea and brushed a little bug off the skirt of
my yellow sundress. I was sitting on the back porch of Gertrude Hunt Bed
and Breakfast in a comfortable wooden recliner. In front of me our backyard
spread, flooded with golden sunshine.

The lawn was still green – we’d had a
lot of rain this year – but the heat of Texas summer poured from the sky,
bringing everything to a standstill. The squirrels napped in their nests deep
within the oaks. The mice and bunnies hid in their burrows. Even the bugs
fell quiet, too hot to trill. Beast, my tiny black-and-white Shih Tzu, lay on her
back by my feet and snored softly. The fan in the porch roof above me was
going full force, but my forehead was still sweating.

Such a lovely hot day. Perfect day to take a nap.
I drank another swallow of my tea and closed my eyes. Behind me,
Gertrude Hunt unfolded, a complex collection of rooms and passageways
many times larger than its physical footprint visible from the street and the
subdivision on the other side of it. I focused on the kitchen. A seven-foot-tall
shape moved within it, big, with foot-long quills thrusting from its back. The
shape wiped down the counter, holding the rag with large, clawed hands.
Nap. Nap, nap, nap, you want to nap… If only I had powers of
suggestion, my life would be so much easier.

I opened my eyes.
Next to me Caldenia fanned herself with a glittering fan and took a sip of
her Mello Yello. “Still no luck?”
I shook my head.
“Then I will have to help you, my dear.”
She rose, put her straw hat on, and strolled into the kitchen. At first
glance, our permanent guest looked just like an older Southern woman with a
gentle tan, long platinum-gray hair pulled into an elegant updo, and a
beautiful face with what people called “good bones.” She chatted with
neighbors, grew tomatoes with resounding success – I made sure that the inn
watered them and added fertilizer at appropriate times – and mastered the art
of smiling without showing her teeth. They were pointed and sharp, like
those of a shark.

I concentrated on the kitchen.
“This heat is stifling,” Caldenia announced. “I’m going to retire for the
afternoon. You could use some rest as well, Orro. If I were you, I’d take this
opportunity to nap before dinner begins.”
Orro rumbled something.
I felt Caldenia move through the kitchen and up the stairs toward her

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