Surprise Baby for the Alien Warrior (KALEIDIAN WARRIOR DADS #7) by Athena Storm EPUB & PDF

Surprise Baby for the Alien Warrior (KALEIDIAN WARRIOR DADS #7) by Athena Storm EPUB & PDF

Surprise Baby for the Alien Warrior (KALEIDIAN WARRIOR DADS #7) by Athena Storm EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Athena Storm
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.9 MB
  • Price: Free

The buzzing neon lights of the Topside Bar and Gentlemen’s Club sign
welcome me, as they do every evening. I can’t help but think that if
Lemmi kept those things turned off during the day, he might save
enough money to pay for repairs in the women’s bathrooms. More likely
he’d pocket those savings for himself, so fuck him. I’ll keep that to myself.

I open the door to find the lingering patrons from the lunch crowd, too
drunk to go back to work. New girls without enough clout to work the
lucrative shifts and moms with kids in school are the unfortunate ones
dancing for their lives right now. It’s nothing but broke losers drooling on
tables as far as the eye can see. The guy mixing drinks behind the bar will
end up going home with more tips than all of the dancers combined.

I’d say it’s a living, but it’s really not. I barely make ends meet. But
what else is someone like me supposed to do? Never knew my father, my
mother abandoned me the moment a man with a decent paycheck looked
twice at her. I did what I had to do to survive, and frankly, I think I did a
damn good job.

I’m alive, aren’t I?
“Hey, Rei,” Janey says as she walks towards me. She’s in her street
clothes, having clocked out for the day, but her makeup is still the bright,
over-exaggerated, and glittery mess we use on the stage. It does nothing to
hide the bags under her eyes. She’s always rushing out of here to pick up
her three kids from school.

At twenty-nine, she isn’t that much older than me. She’s also doing this
alone, I know. Somehow, girls like us just make it work.
“Don’t tell me,” I say, nodding toward the stage. A bleach-blond new
girl is bouncing around, trying desperately to catch the attention of anyone
with a little cash to spare. But what I’m referring to is the little number
she’s wearing.

Janey smiles and shakes her head. “Yep. New costumes today.” She
lights up a cigarette and takes a very long drag. “Mandatory.”
“Lemmi sure is one piece of work.” The new costumes aren’t just more
revealing and cheaper looking than the last ones. They’re also gaudy as hell
to look at, bright orange and covered in feathers. “Are we dancers or birds
in a zoo?”

Janey laughs like she hasn’t had a reason to in years. “Take it easy, Rei.”
As if any of us ever could. I nod to her as she leaves and make my way
down the Sneak Preview Aisle. It’s a little name for the long walk we take
from the front door to the dressing room. We pass by just about every
patron doing so, and they get a little preview of who’s about to take the

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