Surfaced by T.J. Yelden EPUB & PDF

Surfaced (HIDDEN TRILOGY #2) by T.J. Yelden EPUB & PDF

Surfaced (HIDDEN TRILOGY #2) by T.J. Yelden EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: T.J. Yelden
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“You sure you have everything?” Nicole, my foster mom asked from behind
me. We were standing outside our house in Cave Junction where her, my
foster dad Steve and I had lived the past year. I set the last box of personal
items I would need for college in the truck and turned back to her. I
watched as she wiped a stray tear from her eye and I raised my eyebrow.
“Are you crying?” I asked with disbelief hanging on my words. Nicole
never shed a tear. Ever. Okay maybe a Hallmark movie here and there, but
over me leaving to go off to college an hour away? Never saw that

“No, of course not.” She sniffed and blinked rapidly before turning up the
wattage on her smile. I grinned in return.
“Of course not., I chuckled before pulling her in for a tight hug. . Where I
was medium build with brown hair, Nicole was a petite frame with natural
blonde hair and was taller than me by a good four or five inches. Nobody
would be able to mistake me as either Nicole or Steve’s child. I would
really miss them both, but it wasn’t like I was moving across the country.
Southern Oregon University was only an hour away in Ashland.

“You sure you have everything you need?” My eyes followed the sound of
Steve’s voice as he emerged from the house carrying a bag of snacks. He
was slightly taller than Nicole with light colored hair as well. Hammering
home the fact that I was not related to them at all. They graciously fostered
me at my trying age of 14. Luckily, they had the patience of a saint and the
experience of numerous foster kids before me.

I was somehow lucky
enough to be the last one they were going to foster before entering
retirement and pursuing some of the things they had missed out on while
helping teens like me. They had offered to officially adopt me a couple
years ago but knowing all the things they wanted to do in their lives, I
didn’t want them to think they were financially responsible for me. It was
enough to know I always had a home to go to if needed.
“Are those for me?” I grinned at the bag of cookies and snacks that might
last until I reached Ashland. Maybe. Hmm…probably not.

“Yes, but you have to wait to eat them until you get to campus. Share them
with your new roommate.” Steve said slyly, knowing full well they weren’t
going to make it that far. He bypassed me and deposited them into the
passenger seat of the truck.

We discussed, at length, the pros and cons of
taking my car, a glorious 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T freshly redone thanks
to my friends, versus their spare truck. Obviously, their logic won out
considering all the boxes and suitcases piled high in the bed of the truck.
My ride would hardly hold three boxes let alone a whole truckload. I
planned to exchange the vehicles on one of my trips back to visit.

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