Supernova by Kate James EPUB & PDF

Supernova (STARS ALIGN #1) by Kate James EPUB & PDF

Supernova (STARS ALIGN #1) by Kate James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kate James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.8 MB
  • Price: Free

(Two years ago)
The raised voices in the hall keep me awake. I want nothing more than to
close my eyes, so when I open them, this will all have just been a bad
dream. The worst kind of nightmare.

Some part of me wants to go back on my decision. The same part urges
me to scream for his attention. To let him wrap me in his arms where I’ve
always felt safe and untouchable. It’s what I want, so badly. But the
emptiness inside of me won’t allow it. That void where—
I flinch at the sound of flesh hitting what I assume is the wall. I knew he
wouldn’t go easily, or quietly. He’ll fight this with everything he has
because that’s what he’s always done for me. Fight. It’s not what I want
now. I want him to go. I need him to go.

It was hard enough feigning sleep while he was still in the room. It
would have been so easy to open my eyes. To seek out his comfort. The
pain is too much. The mental anguish I feel has broken the vital part of me
that wants to be shielded in his arms. Everything is different now.
The voices quiet to whispers, then complete silence. Minutes later, the
door opens quietly, but I don’t turn to see who entered. I don’t need to. My
brother won’t let him in. Not if it upsets me.

“He’s gone, but time’s up.” Holden closes the door behind him. “I can’t
even begin to imagine the hurt and pain you’re feeling right now, but you’re
gonna have to give me something. Tell me why the hell I was forced to
devastate one of my best friends just now.”

He crosses the small room, stopping beside the bed where I lie. His stare
bores into the back of my head—I swear I can feel it—but I remain
unmoved. I don’t want to talk about my reasons.

“Madelyn, please.” The hitch in his voice pierces my heart. Causes me to
squeeze my eyes shut. But closing my eyes doesn’t stop the tears. That had
to have been hard for him. I should feel guilty for taking advantage of the
fact that he’ll do anything for his little sisters. I don’t. There’s no guilt here.
Not today.

A few minutes pass with no response and he tires of waiting. He comes
around the bed, lowering himself into the chair. Holden won’t accept the
silence much longer, he’s much too persistent. My chest swells with my
long, deep inhale.

“This is all his fault.” My voice cracks, weak from not speaking. Trails
of tears stream down my face, wetting the pillow beneath my head.
Holden’s head jerks back, his brows furrow. “You can’t honestly believe

I squeeze my eyes shut tighter. He reaches over, wiping the salty drops
from my cheeks.

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