Summer with a Navy SEAL (LOVE BEACH COLLECTION) by Liz Durano EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Liz Durano
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2.5 MB
- Price: Free
Just one more nail and I’m done… for the day, at least.
I shouldn’t have taken on the project but it’s too late for regrets. I
accepted the job and here I am a month later with three days left before the
deadline wondering how the hell I’m going to complete it without any help.
If only Mrs. Hollister would stop changing her mind, the project would
have been completed two weeks ago. But no, she has to change her mind
about every little thing, from the couch which is awaiting its replacement to
the kitchen cabinets which now have to be replaced with the new ones that
arrived this morning, the ones I had originally recommended.
Only, I’m the only one left working on the place after the crew had to
go to their next job. Luckily, it’s just the kitchen cabinets that need to be
installed. Everything else is pretty minor like painting trims and cleaning
up. I’ll ask Crystal if she can help me later. It shouldn’t be too difficult for
two people to do the job, even if one of them might complain about a
broken nail or two.
I’d returned to Love Beach three months earlier to help my parents sell
the house after they’d moved to North Las Vegas where it’s cheaper to live.
Hotter than hell, but cheaper. Plus, they get to be near relatives who moved
there years earlier.
For the house, they needed someone to stage it for the listing and I’d
done such a good job that realtors started asking me to stage their latest
listings. But that was before Mrs. Lorraine Hollister requested I renovate
one of their properties, a tiny beach house that one of her sons inherited
from his grandfather years earlier.
I can’t fathom how he can stay here for weeks on end with the place
looking the way it is, she told me when I met her at the beach house. If my
father-in-law hadn’t given it to him, I’d have had the place torn down and a
new one built in its place. But that would only upset Brogan so I’ll have to
settle for a renovation.
Does he know you’re doing this? I asked as Mrs. Hollister walked
around the small living room, a look of distaste on her face as she glanced
at the faded beach posters and vintage surfboards, their bright colors dulled
by years of sun exposure through the sliding glass doors that led to the deck
overlooking the beach.
Heavens no, he doesn’t. But he has given me permission to have the
place tidied up whenever it’s needed. She grimaced as she looked at the
well-worn couch next to her. And right now, it’s sorely needed.
But what you’re asking for is a full renovation, Mrs. Hollister. This is
not just ‘tidying things up.’
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