• Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: AR TABOO
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

i can’t believe it’s the first day of summer and I’m all alone. School was
over last week, and I have two whole months before I leave for college.
Someone might think that my summer would be filled with parties and
saying farewell to friends, but they would be oh so wrong.

Graduating from high school was my first step toward a life of
independence. The next step is going to college and getting the hell out of
this town. It’s nothing but rich snobs that think everyone is beneath them.
Lucky me, my parents are among the worst of them.

The people I went to high school with thought I had a dream life where
I got everything I wanted. That was so far from the truth. My parents have
gone out of their way to make sure I’m not happy and given me the bare
minimum to get by. They made it clear from the time my brother and I were
old enough to understand what money was and that they were the ones with
money, not us.

It’s why I don’t have friends. I was busy working and studying the
whole time so I could save up enough money for college and hopefully get
scholarships. Thankfully, my hard work paid off, and I got a full ride in the
fall. But now that high school is over, all I can do is think about how much I
missed out on.

This year was harder than the ones before because my brother Easton
was in his first year of college. We were always close, but he was like me:
ready to get out of here as fast as he could. I don’t blame him for leaving
me behind. I knew it would happen eventually. It’s just sad that I’m going
to be stuck here in the house alone all summer now that I don’t have a job.

The restaurant where I had been waiting tables for the past couple of
years knew I was leaving for college. They had someone come in looking
for a job, and since I wasn’t going to be around much longer, they let me
go. I had enough money saved up that I didn’t need to get another job, and I
hated to go through the process of getting retrained somewhere else only to

So here I am, twiddling my thumbs while my parents summer in Greece
and my brother is off doing whatever it is he does. Okay, so maybe I’m
jealous he’s finally out of here and doing what he wants, but I’d never admit
that. I love Easton, and for so long, all we had was each other. I could never
begrudge him his freedom, so I keep my misery to myself.

As if he’s reading my mind, my phone lights up with a text from him.
East: How’s my baby sis?
Me: Bored.

East: I thought as much.
East: Wanna hang out?
The question surprises me because his college is hours away. My
parents were talking before they left, and I overhead them say that he was
staying at the college over the summer and working.

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