Sugar Daddy Sweetheart by L. Nicole EPUB & PDF

Sugar Daddy Sweetheart by L. Nicole EPUB & PDF

Sugar Daddy Sweetheart by L. Nicole EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: L. Nicole
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Two-Hour Romance Short Reads
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I TURN the shower faucet off and stretch the kinks out of my back. The
scars don’t hurt. They’re just evidence of the hell that I’ve been through. My
muscles are another story. Even the hot as fire water doesn’t completely
loosen them up these days. It seems to be getting worse with age. Right now,
I’m feeling every one of my forty years.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I step out onto the bathmat and wipe
a hand over the steamed mirror. The image reflected in the mirror doesn’t
seem to match the man I am. The scars on the inside can’t be seen in the
mirror. They’re much harder to deal with. It’s the internal scars that haunt
me, giving me PTSD that no matter how hard I try, I can’t fully conquer.
Nightmares wake me up at all hours of the night. Memories of the burning
shrapnel that rained down on my unit in Afghanistan, but most of all, it is the
pain from the loss of my brothers. Ones that I couldn’t save because my
injuries were too severe.

I still wonder why I survived, and they didn’t. It’s not fair, and the guilt I
feel over that never goes away.
Pulling the towel away from my body, I rub it over my wet, shaggy hair. I
need a trim, but it can wait—besides, I can’t remember where I left the
scissors after cutting my fishing line last week. I prefer cutting my own hair if
it irritates me. I don’t have to deal with people that way, and with my face,
it’s not like I’m going to win a beauty contest anyway.

I run my hand over my face. There’s stubble there but not a full-grown
beard. I could shave it, but right now, that seems like too much effort. It’s just
me, not like I need to turn myself into some pretty boy for a woman.
I quickly brush my teeth and get dressed, picking out my jeans and white
t-shirt without thought. Most men wear a t-shirt under other shirts for
warmth. I’ve found they’re comfortable, and I’m fine with just wearing them
out wherever I go.

Besides, it’s economical.
You can get a pack of eight shirts for under twenty bucks. That thought
makes me snort.
I just finish buttoning up my jeans when my cellphone rings. I’m tempted
to let it ring, because I don’t recognize the number. It could be my agent,
however. She’s always calling on strange numbers. She very seldom calls on
her office phone.

“Mr. Clayton?” a voice returns. It’s a woman’s voice, and you can tell
she’s trying to sound friendly and professional—which sets off warning bells.
My father always taught me that people who tried to change to fit a role
usually couldn’t be trusted. I’ve found that to be true time and time again.
“Who wants to know?” I mutter.

“Um, well, this is Nancy Gardner with The Banner News.”
“Never heard of you, and I don’t want a subscription.”
A nervous giggle filled the phone’s receiver. I roll my eyes. “No, sir, I’m

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