Sudden Mail-Order Bride by Regina Scott EPUB & PDF

Sudden Mail-Order Bride by Regina Scott EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Regina Scott
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Near Olympia, Washington Territory
Late March 1877
If she had to marry a stranger, she’d picked a pretty place to do it.
Caroline Cadhill peered out from the bed of the wagon that was bumping
along a muddy road in the middle of nowhere. After leaving Olympia, she’d
lost all sense of direction. The sun was masked by puffy white clouds, so
she couldn’t even be sure of the shadows. But she was fairly certain those
larger white things on the horizon weren’t clouds. They were mountains.
Real, snowy mountains.

She shivered, but more from excitement. Ready or not, Jeremy Willets,
here I come!
The postmaster in Olympia had recommended this farmer to take her the
last leg of her long journey. Now he called to his horses and drew them to a
stop beside a drive that opened to the right of her. “Here you go, miss. This
is where the Willetses live.”

He made no move to help her down, but she was used to such things
now. Ever since Father had been convicted of a crime she still couldn’t
believe he’d committed, everyone she’d known in Cincinnati had kept their
distance, as if she’d contracted consumption. And on the way West, most
folks had been too focused on their own affairs to pay a stranger much

So, she scooted to the open end of the buckboard, dragging her valise
with her. “Thank you very much for the ride, Mr. Abercromby. I hope to see
you again.”
He grunted. Likely he wondered whether she was going to be staying
more than a few minutes.

She wondered the same.
She shinnied off the end of the wagon, then arranged her gray coat and
gingham skirts about her. She’d barely had time to lower the bag before he
clucked to the horses and rattled off down the road. Straightening her
bonnet, she picked up the battered leather valise and started up the drive.
All around her, grasses bright with the green of spring waved in a cool
breeze. Roan cattle raised their heads, chewing contentedly, to watch her
pass. To their backs stood the solid, dusky green of a forest, its depths
shadowed and mysterious. The air smelled clean, as if freshly washed.
You’re a long way from home, Caroline.

And wasn’t that the point? No more pretending that she hadn’t lost
everything and being pitied and shunned anyway. No more living along a
dusty street where men shambled about begging for a penny for bread. No
more fearing she might not have enough money for bread for her and Ned.
The thought of her brother was like a storm cloud darkening the sky.
Why had he left without telling her? Where was he now? Was he safe? Fed?
Please, Lord, keep Your hand on him and give me strength to follow this

Ahead, a white clapboard two-story house came into view, twin barns
rising behind it. A wide porch crossed the front, with chairs here and there
under the windows as if to encourage lingering with a book and a cup of

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