Strategize to Win by Carla A Harris EPUB & PDF

Strategize to Win by Carla A Harris EPUB & PDF

Strategize to Win by Carla A Harris EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Carla A Harris
  • Publish Date: December 26, 2014
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Career Guides
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Pages: 256
  • Price: Free
  • ISBN: 978-1594633058

Choosing a Career in Today’s Economy

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
—Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu
Congratulations! You’ve just graduated or are soon to graduate from
college. Or maybe you’re just leaving the military. Whatever the case,
you’ve worked hard and completed years of extensive education and training.
You should be proud of yourself, what a wonderful accomplishment!

The problem is, you’re asking yourself: “Now what?”
After all of those years of hard work and dedication, you find that you
have no real idea of what career you would like to pursue.
Or perhaps your situation is different. You’ve been out of college for a
few years. After graduation you accepted a job because you needed one. You
had student loans and bills to pay, perhaps a family to support, or other
financial obligations. But now, a few years later, you find that this job, this
company, or even this career is not for you. You’re frustrated, bored, and
unenthusiastic. You’d like to make a move, but you have no idea what job,
company, or career you are interested in. Worse, you have no clue how to
begin to do anything to change it.

If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you are not alone. Together, we
are going to walk through a framework that will help you to sort out the
appropriate next move in your career journey. Notice, I did not say that we
are going to figure out what your entire career will look like.
Not yet.
That’s too ambitious and overwhelming. We’re going to start with the
first step and determine the best next career move for you.

The End of the Ultimate Career Plan
It’s true that the quest for the “ultimate career plan” was once all the rage.
But in today’s professional world, that kind of thinking is out-of-date. There
was a time when advancing as a professional with one company, like IBM or
Chase Manhattan Bank, over a twenty-five- or thirty-year period was the
epitome of success. That kind of track record meant you had made it. You
enjoyed the highest level of success and your financial and cultural status
reflected that.

But today, aspiring to one career, with one company, doing one thing for
two or three decades or more just doesn’t make sense. The environment we
live in is dynamic and fast-paced. Technology has massively restructured,
redefined, disrupted, and in some cases even destroyed industries and
businesses. In the twentieth century, it was possible for a company to
maintain its leadership position over decades; but today, given the fast pace
of technological innovation and the leadership life cycle in most corporations,
it is difficult for one company to maintain the number one, or even number
two, position in its industry for even just ten years.

In fact, it was just a short time ago that moving from one company to
another was considered a negative on one’s résumé. But today, success
requires you to take a different approach to career planning. The new, more
sensible, strategy is to consider your career in six to eight modules of five
years each. And these modules could potentially be at five or six different

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