Strangers to Husbands by Lee Pini EPUB & PDF

Strangers to Husbands by Lee Pini EPUB & PDF 

Strangers to Husbands by Lee Pini EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lee Pini
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.5 MB
  • Price: Free

LEWIS IS drunk off his ass when he decides riding the mechanical bull is an
awesome idea. After finding his pockets disappointingly empty of cash, he
gets Stacy—also super fucking drunk—to spot him ten bucks.
When he gets back, some guy is handing over a ten to the operator.
Lewis leans his elbows on the railing to wait his turn, and the guy looks
over and meets his eyes.

Lewis’s stomach swoops, and it’s not just the six shots of tequila he
chased the pitcher of beer with. The guy has this beautiful head of auburn
hair, curly and thick, gorgeous cheekbones, longish, pointy nose, a sharp
chin, and an even sharper smile. He’s T-A-L-L, taller than Lewis, all legs in
tight black skinny jeans. Jesus fuck it should be illegal for someone to walk
around with a bulge like that.

The guy smiles slowly and says something to the operator, who shrugs
and nods. “Wanna join me, cowboy?” Tall, Dark, and Gorgeous drawls to

“Um,” Lewis says. The guy unsteadily crosses the crash pad to the bull
and puts one foot in the stirrup. Lewis’s eyes go straight to his ass.

Damn. He is tooootally not a one-night stand kind of guy because he
believes in LOVE, that’s L-O-V-E Love. Or wait, no? He doesn’t, not
anymore. Love is dead! Love is dead, so he should blow this guy in the

Hot Mystery Man’s shimmery black tank pulls taut across his chest.
Muscles in his forearm pop as he holds the pommel on the bull’s saddle.
The divots of his collarbone look like the perfect place for Lewis to put his

Does he want to join? Um, yeah he wants to join. He wants to join so
bad he trips over his feet as he stumbles across the crash pad.
“How’s that going to work, though?” Like he cares about anything
except getting closer to this man.

The guy’s gaze travels from Lewis’s head to his feet and back up,
lingering at his hips, his chest, his shoulders, and his mouth. Heat floods
Lewis. His jeans tighten as his cock stirs.

“You’ll know what to do once we start.” The guy swings into the
saddle and pats what little space is left beside him.

Yeah! He will, totally. He will, and—oh shit. Lewis knows he
shouldn’t ogle but he gets an eyeful of what’s between the guy’s legs, and.
Nnnng. That is. He is. Okay they’re in a western bar so the joke is right
there but—
Okay. Fine. Yeah. The guy is well hung. And Lewis’s mouth is literally

If he was sober, he’d wait his turn. But he’s not sober. He is not at allll
sober. So he climbs on and finds himself basically in his new friend’s lap,
Lewis facing forward and the man facing backward. The heat of his legs
pressing into Lewis’s brings the stomach swooping back.

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