Stout of My League (LOVE ON TAP #4) by Sylvie Stewart EPUB & PDF

Stout of My League (LOVE ON TAP #4) by Sylvie Stewart EPUB & PDF

Stout of My League (LOVE ON TAP #4) by Sylvie Stewart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sylvie Stewart
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“It’s not rocket science, sweetheart. It’s a wiener!”
Don’t lose your shit, Lynn. You need this job.
I’ve been working this summer gig for three weeks, and these words
have become my mantra.

“Hello?! Are you even listening?” Ennis continues in that snively tone
that makes it feel like bedbugs have taken up residence under my skin.
“Got it,” I respond through clenched teeth as my tongs fish the fleshy
wiener from the pit of steaming hot dog water. I shake it before depositing it
into a bun. I’ve just added a new life goal to my list: become a vegetarian.

It’ll go right between earning my PhD in physical therapy and devising a
foolproof plan for my new boss’s death that won’t land me in jail. A girl has
got to have goals, right?
“Remy, I gotta run to mezzanine one. Keep an eye on the new girl,”
Ennis shouts over his shoulder before disappearing out the back door to the
concession stand.

My coworker’s only response is a subtle flip of the bird in the door’s
direction. “Ignore Anus,” Remy mutters with a scowl.

My tongs freeze in midair as I fight a grin. “Did you just call him
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Remy responds as he shoots
me a naughty wink and blows a swath of blond hair from his eyes.
It may only be my third shift working concessions at Ardent Park with
Remy, but I already know he’ll be my lifeline this summer.
I fold the hot dog into its foil-insulated wrapper and move on to the next
one. Ennis expects me to have at least a hundred ready to go when the gates
open and all the Asheville Arrows fans descend for tonight’s game.

It’s still afternoon, and it’s a regular weeknight game, so the concourse
is dotted with other stadium employees hurrying to their assigned duties and
stations. I’m amazed at how many people it takes to make a Major League
stadium run. Almost as amazed as I am at the number of rowdy fans who
start swarming like locusts a couple hours before game time. As far as I can
tell, baseball fans love three things: hot dogs, home runs, and young players
in tight uniforms. I don’t get it, but I’m not into organized sports.

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