Stone of Fear by Margaret Izard EPUB & PDF

Stone of Fear (STONES OF IONA #2) by Margaret Izard EPUB & PDF

Stone of Fear (STONES OF IONA #2) by Margaret Izard EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Margaret Izard
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Marie stood alone next to the Chapel in the Woods, studying the castle
grounds at Dunstaffnage Castle, Scotland. Bree, her friend and colleague,
told her, “Not everyone single is lonely, and not everyone taken is in love.
You should embrace you for you.” She sighed. Alone remained alone, no
matter what anyone said. Embrace myself. Well, that’s history.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and imagined what this area
might have been like in the seventeenth century, a small village of squat
huts lined in rows, some lived in, and some made an aisle for a market.
Folks scurried about as they attended to everyday chores. Others slowly
lumbered along on their regular duties. Closer to Loch Etive’s shoreline sat
a series of buildings that stored and repaired boats. All around, serfs,
guards, maids, and craftsmen all lived and worked to support the enormous
castle behind her.

This would’ve been a small village today, a large
community in the past. She opened her eyes to the land before her. Being a
specialist in historical buildings was what she loved, and she anticipated the
next portion of the project from the Historic Environment of Scotland.

Hands closed over her eyes and startled her. At first, she grew
concerned, but the familiar scent of clean male musk with an undercurrent
of light aftershave wafted to her, and she recognized who held her.
A breath blew gently against her ear as he whispered, “How do ye get a
geologist girlfriend?”

Marie giggled and shrugged as she leaned back against John’s muscular
chest. Her head fit perfectly under his chin. John removed his hands, but
she kept her eyes closed as he turned her in his arms, then kissed her lips.
She returned his kiss and rose on her toes as she wrapped her arms around
his neck.

He lifted his head. “Well, how do ye get a geologist girlfriend?”
Another of John’s corny rock jokes, she opened her eyes to his
expectant stare. “I don’t know. How?”

He smiled and replied. “Ye best esker out!” He paused. “Get it? Esker is
a long, winding ridge of stratified sand and gravel…”
She giggled and kissed him quickly as she stopped his speech. “Are ye
asking me to be yer girlfriend or asking me out?”

John hugged her and replied, “Both, be my girlfriend and have lunch
later today. But first, I need to exercise.”

John took her hand as they strolled toward the Chapel in the Woods.
“Woman of the rocks, were ye examining the excavation site ye and Bree
believed to be a small village during the eighteenth century? Yer project
starts today, right?”

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