Stone by Anna Hackett EPUB & PDF

Stone (SENTINEL SECURITY #7) by Anna Hackett EPUB & PDF

Stone (SENTINEL SECURITY #7) by Anna Hackett EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Anna Hackett
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

On the Rocks was packed. Nola Newhouse shouldered her way through
the door into the hottest Irish pub in Chelsea. Tucking her handbag
under her arm, she made a beeline straight for the bar. After a long week at
work, she needed a cocktail. Stat.

Her feet throbbed. Her new Dolce and Gabbana heels looked divine, but
hurt like hell. She hid a wince. They were worth the splurge, but she
couldn’t wait to take them off when she finally got home to her apartment.
She squeezed into a spot at the gleaming, wooden bar and signaled a
bartender. Since she came here a lot, she already had the cocktail menu
memorized. “A Celtic martini, please.”

The young man, wearing a black shirt topped with a green apron, smiled
at her. “Coming right up.”
Nola turned and scanned the bar. There was shining wood everywhere,
and the walls were covered in framed photos of either the green Irish
countryside or the whiskey-making process. On the Rocks prided
themselves on their extensive collection of Irish whiskies, which her brother
and his work friends appreciated.

Like her, there were lots of men and women in suits, all celebrating the
end of the work week. She was meeting her brother and his wife, along with
his work colleagues, for a few drinks.
She glanced at her silver Longines watch, which had been a recent gift
from her father. It was still early. Nick and the others wouldn’t be here for a

The watch made her think of her father, and that made her roll her eyes.
Charles Newhouse was rich and snobby. He was always badmouthing Nick,
who was actually Nola’s half-brother.

Nick was a former Navy SEAL, and now an integral part of the best
security firm in New York City—Sentinel Security—which was owned by
the delicious badass Killian Hawke.
But unless you wore a suit, had a fancy corner office, and made lots of
money, her father wasn’t interested. Money and prestige were the only signs
of success he saw.

“Here you go.”
The bartender slid her glass across the glossy surface of the bar. Nola
paid and smiled her thanks. She lifted the glass and took a big sip of lemony

Her father had been leaving her voicemails every day this week. He
wanted to set her up with some hotshot stockbroker he knew.
No, thanks. She’d tried a blind date set up by her dad before. Once was
enough. Not that dating apps were proving much better. She was sick of
New York suits. Her last few dates had really been a new low.
Her cellphone vibrated. She pulled it out of her handbag and saw a text
message from her assistant, Grace.

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