Sticking Around by Cathryn Fox EPUB & PDF

Sticking Around (BOSTON BUCKS #2) by Cathryn Fox EPUB & PDF

Sticking Around (BOSTON BUCKS #2) by Cathryn Fox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cathryn Fox
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Who the fuck is making all that noise?”
I mute the TV, but don’t wait for a response to that question. That would be
a little ludicrous, even for a jokester like me, considering I’m all alone
inside this luxurious suite my buddy Noah offered up to me last month.
Yeah, I couldn’t spend one more night in the same house as Theo Wagner.
Sure, Theo is great on the ice, but a total asshole in real life and I’m pretty
sure—unlike him—I’ve outgrown the bunnies and the parties. Not that I’d
let anyone know that. Being the loudest and most outgoing is what’s
expected of me, but dammit, I’m so fucking tired of it.

The noise sounds again. Are drawers slamming? I push off the sofa and
walk to the window. It’s late, and Noah, his wife Brighton and their
daughter Camryn are at their summer house just outside the city of Boston.
No way would they be coming home this late at night. Besides, their car
isn’t in the driveway. The only vehicle out there is mine, which means it’s
conceivable that someone is breaking into their wing of the house, which is
just across the hall from me.

I walk to my door and pull it open. Light seeps out from the door across the
hall and I listen for sounds. I take a few steps and look over the handcrafted
guardrail that showcases a grand entranceway downstairs. The house is old
and huge, located in Sparrow Springs, and nestled in behind White Beach
Resort. Creaking sounds aren’t uncommon, but this was more of a bang.
The downstairs door is shut tight, and as far as I know, outside of Noah and
his family, I’m the only one with a key.

I walk to the other door, put my hand on the doorknob and listen for a
moment. This time, my ears are met with silence and I consider going back
to my place to rewatch last season’s final game, and possibly beat myself up
a little more for not stopping Pittsburgh’s winning goal. A thrilling Saturday
night, I know.

I’m about to turn, but think better of it. I should probably check to make
sure no one is stealing from my buddy. He didn’t hesitate to offer up the
empty wing inside his house, and keeping the place protected is the least I
can do in exchange for his kindness. It’s not like I can’t afford my own
house. I just don’t want the commitment.

I turn the knob and push the door open, glancing around the empty living
room. A lamp on the side table glows yellow. Did Noah leave that on when
he left yesterday? Maybe, and maybe I didn’t notice the glow.

“Hello,” I call out, and go still. This time, I do wait for an answer. When
none comes, I carefully walk farther into the room. I stop to check the den,
guest bathroom, kitchen, and the latch on the door leading out to the wide
wrap-around patio.

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