Staying Selfless by Liz Tomforde EPUB & PDF

Staying Selfless by Liz Tomforde EPUB & PDF

Staying Selfless by Liz Tomforde EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Liz Tomforde
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4 MB
  • Price: Free

I know how our story ends, and I’m sure you do too. I’ve had the image
stuck in my head for a while now. Logan, in a white dress, red hair falling
past her shoulders, walking towards me. I was sure that was our ending, or
our beginning really, but now I’m not so positive. You saw our beginning,
and I thought I knew our ending, but now I’m worried that the middle will
change it all. I’m worried that the picture in my head will never become a
reality, that it won’t be our ending anymore.

It’s been three weeks. Three fucking weeks since I last saw Logan that
day in her dorm.
She drove back to California that night with way too many of her
belongings, including what was left of my broken heart. To say I’ve been a
mess is a gross understatement.

I went home and tried to sleep in my bed at the hockey house that night,
but I couldn’t. I couldn’t sleep in the place where she first told me she loved
me. That room is filled with her, but she wasn’t there. I packed a bag and
drove to my parents’ house off-campus, but when I walked into my room
there, I almost had a breakdown seeing the bed where we first slept
together. Where she trusted me enough to take that part of her, but now it
feels like she doesn’t trust me at all. She doesn’t trust that I can handle what
she’s going through.
I took a pillow and threw it on the couch downstairs, creating a makeshift
bed that I’ve now been sleeping on for three weeks. Three fucking weeks.
Also, I use the term ‘sleeping’ loosely. In all honesty, I haven’t done much
of that.

I guess the good news is that I haven’t had a single panic attack since
Logan’s been gone. Well, not about hockey anyway. I’ve woken up in a
panic almost every night the past three weeks, short of breath and drenched
in sweat. But the anxiety I feel has nothing to do with concern over my
future in hockey and everything to do with my future with Logan—or lack

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