Stars May Burn (STARS MAY BURN #1) by Alice Ivinya EPUB & PDF

Stars May Burn (STARS MAY BURN #1) by Alice Ivinya EPUB & PDF

Stars May Burn (STARS MAY BURN #1) by Alice Ivinya EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Alice Ivinya
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.8 MB
  • Price: Free

The coffin lid slammed closed over the body of my husband, making
a harsh sound that echoed around the frigid chapel. I inhaled
sharply, and the black fabric of my veil smothered my mouth,
choking me with darkness.
I entwined my fingers tightly in front of me and counted slowly,
imagining myself becoming lighter with each number.
He was gone. Gone forever.

I tried to be sad, but I couldn’t. I was a terrible person. I hoped
Frederick forgave me, wherever he was now. Still, I couldn’t deny my relief
as his cold white face disappeared forever. I could finally breathe.
My fingers crept up my arm to my wrist where deep scratches itched as
they healed beneath black lace. Frederick’s pale blue eyes swam through
my memory; they’d been wide with panic as he clawed at me, the delirium
slowly getting worse as he shouted that his illness was all my fault.

At the first signs of his fever, I’d added coriander seeds, ginger and
echinacea to his teas to help him recover. He had barely drunk them in
disgust at the altered taste. Once his condition had worsened, he’d sworn at
me and accused me of poisoning him. I knew my herbs were harmless but
hadn’t known the right ones to give him as his symptoms became complex,
and he refused to let me prepare any of his food and drink after that.

Sitting in the shadowy corners of the room, out of his reach, I’d watched
the physicians tend to him, feeling completely helpless as he wasted away a
little more each day. I wasn’t sure which was worse: his moments of
confusion or those of lucidity in which he’d sneered at my incompetence.
He had shouted that he would see me imprisoned for poisoning when he
was well enough to address Duke James and his city guard. But the
physicians had ignored him, after a month the sickness had killed him, and
now his words were gone.

I closed my eyes to shut away the unpleasant memories and moved my
hand back to my skirts before I was tempted to scratch the cuts on my wrist
and risk making them bleed. I didn’t want to ruin my mourning dress. All
eyes in the chapel were on me, Father, and the priest as we stood by the
coffin. I had to appear immaculate, taking care that my relief didn’t make
me lightheaded. My family couldn’t afford for me to bring them further

I glanced to my right at Father, daring to study him from under my
lashes. He stood in his expensive black coat, both his gloved hands on the
silver handle of his walking stick. His pale strawberry blond hair fell loose
down his back. He was staring at Frederick’s coffin with respectful
indifference, but there was a glint in his pale grey eyes I knew well: he was
scheming again.

Maybe this time I would be left out of his plans. I was tired. So very
tired. I wanted to be left in peace.
As the priest continued his liturgy, I let my mind wander and dream to

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