Star Shadow by Beth Bolden EPUB & PDF

Star Shadow by Beth Bolden EPUB & PDF

Star Shadow by Beth Bolden EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Beth Bolden
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Gay Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The echo of his feet pounding rhythmically in the sand was loud
enough in Leo Humphries’ head that he didn’t even need noise-canceling
headphones to erase all the sounds along the beach. There were surfers
congregating in loose groups, waxing their boards and shouting when
someone managed a particularly sick trick. Add to that the young mothers
with strollers and their purse dogs, and the young teenagers shrieking at the
top of their lungs as the boys they liked tried to drag them into the ocean,
and it could be really noisy.

Before, Leo had always listened to music when he ran, but the problem
with music was that it made him think—analyzing the lyrics, the melody
repeating in a loop in his head, but most of all, he wondered how he might
have produced the track differently—and since he ran now so he couldn’t
think at all, the only sound he allowed was his own footfalls in the sand.
He let the echo fill him, and then empty him out, one stride at a time. It
was a perfect day in Southern California, the sky painfully blue overhead,
not even a single white cloud to offer shade. Sweat dripped down his back
as he turned around and began to run back to his house, the heat of the day
beginning to rise.

A particularly loud noise jerked his attention off the smooth expanse of
the sand in front of him, and he glanced up to see one of those bloodsucking
paparazzi guys pointing his camera in his direction. Leo was so surprised he
could only gape at the man. No doubt all the pictures were awful—his hair
a sweat-slicked mess, his eyes wide and shocked—but the thing that stuck
out the most to Leo was that the guy was here at all.

Nobody had staked out this particular stretch of beach, not even fans, in
years. Maybe, Leo thought, they were doing a retrospective in US Weekly
—“Teenage Pop Stars: Where Are They Now?” Because otherwise he
couldn’t imagine why anyone would still want a picture of him. Even the
legions of teenage girls that had circled them like hawks, hungry for a
particularly tasty snack, had left him eons ago. Nobody cared about Leo
Humphries anymore. Even, he thought ironically, Leo Humphries himself.
“What do you think about Caleb?” the paparazzi shouted at him, the
name carrying even across the beach and all the noises that should have
drowned him out.

What did he think about Caleb Chance?
A kaleidoscope of feelings and images flashed through him, shifting
and changing, falling into expected patterns. Love, hate, anger, fear,
disappointment. Leo was sure they all played right across his face, and the
photographer clicked away, capturing every single damn one.
It had been so long since anyone had dared to mention his ex-lover and
ex-bandmate to him that Leo wasn’t used to keeping his reaction private.
Like he always had, he felt it all with Caleb.

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