Sovereign by Margaret Couplet EPUB & PDF

Sovereign by Margaret Couplet EPUB & PDF

Sovereign by Margaret Couplet EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Margaret Couplet
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


THEY WERE TAKING A break when Nickolas finally spoke up again,
he’d been quiet for the majority of the journey, hadn’t complained once
which had surprised Clark. He’d known plenty of nobles who worked just
as hard as the commoners in his year but the majority of them hadn’t
exactly been quiet about the fact that they thought themselves above manual
labor, or any kind of exercise really.“Hello.” The dindeary swept into a low
bow. “My name is Casparun, Demma of Linsblawks, Chirfrek dom Din,
reincarnation of Anabelya, cusa dom Deva.”

They’d been walking for a few hours by then and the sun had almost hit
its zenith. They all needed food and enough time to calm their nerves from
the razors edge they were walking on at the moment.
Harry had been humming the entire time they’d been walking and that
was helping, a bit, though Clark didn’t exactly know why and didn’t want
to ask because that conversation would probably involve explanations about
sarsor and he didn’t think he’d be able to handle that at the moment.
Adam hadn’t let go of Clark’s hand once since they’d started walking,
clinging to him like a lifeline, his eyes riveted to Nickolas’s back. Clark

hadn’t tried to shake him out of it, Adam had torn himself open emotionally
that morning and if brooding for a bit helped with that Clark wasn’t going
to interfere.

Peter had called a halt when they reached a small clearing that looked
like every other clearing they’d come across and Clark was pretty sure that
they hadn’t gone further than a dozen miles at the pace they’d been using
but they all needed the break.

Adam flopped down on the ground, Clark sat down next to him and
pulled the noble’s head onto his lap. Harry folded herself down beside them
primly before ruining the illusion by flopping over so that her head and
shoulders were pillowed on Adam’s stomach, nearly knocking her hat off
her head. Clark laughed at the face of indignation Adam made and glanced
around to where Dean was stretching out his legs on the other side of the
clearing. “Adam wasn’t supposed to get hurt,” Nickolas murmured under his
breath as his legs slipped out from under him. “He said Adam wasn’t going
to get hurt.”

Clark felt Adam go stiff and he dropped his hands to the blonde’s
shoulders, preventing the other man from jerking upright. Harry let out a
yowl and popped right back up onto her feet, Dean’s head whipping around
to stare at the other Wielder in shocked fury.
“What did you just say?” Dean hissed under his breath as a white cloud
of sarsor rose from his skin in a wave.

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