Sons of Darkness by Gourav Mohanty EPUB & PDF

Sons of Darkness by Gourav Mohanty EPUB & PDF

Sons of Darkness by Gourav Mohanty EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Gourav Mohanty
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The stench of split flesh from the carcasses of the Children of Light wafted
out to mock his hunger. The wolves had come, and then left without
feeding. Ravens circled overhead, yet none descended. These details
remained with the rider as he drew rein at the very spot where his foes had
made their last stand. With his dagger he flicked the strands of his long hair,
clumped with dried blood, away from his eyes. As he took in the sights of
the carnage that had taken place mere hours ago, he absent-mindedly
rubbed a luminescent powder onto his blade.

For a Hero of Light, he reckoned he cast a rather grim shadow. Hero. The
word slithered nastily in his mind. An honour bestowed upon you when you
had killed all those who would have called you a mass murderer.
‘Shall we, Muchuk?’ Asha walked her horse amidst the sprawled bodies
to where he sat astride his stallion. ‘Time to deliver the good news.’
Ah yes. Trisiras is dead. He nudged his mount onto the slope of the hill,
urging it into a collected canter as his sister followed suit. They made their
way up the tortuous track towards the mountain fortress of Svarg – a great
hulking fastness that loomed like a crystal-white orb against the dark,
poisoned heavens. A faint pillar of light that rose from somewhere within
the fortress served as their lodestar. The beacon of tyranny, Muchuk mused.
‘You seem awfully quiet for someone who has won a war.’ Two sharp
eyes stared out from Asha’s beaky, grimy face packed in a half-helm. Under
her armour, her hunched muscular shoulders looked all the more ungainly
without a bosom to balance her form. It was a miracle she did not slide off
her horse.

Muchuk shrugged, turning to stare up at the sky. By now, the third moon
was a jade monstrosity. Green light leaked out from it to the west, staining
the heavens with stolen emerald hues. Won a war… He sighed, as if it were a
great revelation. As if he had not spent years of his life severing, slashing
and slitting the Danavas, the Children of Darkness.

But Asha was right. He should have felt victorious, elated even. And yet,
despite his valiant efforts, he felt like a man who had finally opened the box
of glory to find that it did not contain what was etched on the lid.
They rode past their Men who were busy cutting the heads off dead
Daevas, the Children of Light – the few righteous ones who had aligned
with the Danavas. Their luminescent white heads made for macabre lamps,
if you were into that sort of a thing. It would have been beautiful had it not
been for the stench. Perhaps this was why he preferred slaying the Children
of Darkness.

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