Something Borrowed by Dee Ellis EPUB & PDF

Something Borrowed by Dee Ellis EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Dee Ellis
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Flying always makes me nervous.
Ironic considering I once wanted to be a stewardess. Or a flight
attendant, I suppose they would be called now. On a flight to Europe for my
honeymoon twenty years ago, it was clear I could never wear the cute hat or
wings to fly across the world. I was jet lagged on our first night in Paris.
Not something my late husband let me live down.

With my nose in a book, I pretend I am anywhere but on a plane to an
island. Heart Harbor is supposed to be beautiful, Benji said. His destination
wedding there will be perfect, he claimed. Smiling, I recall him trying on
his tux a few days ago, so excited to get married, and I sigh. It will be

Ignore the twist of fear in my gut, I focus on the romance novel I am
trying to get lost in. Romance stories have always been my favorite escape.
I can go back to the golden age of romance or read about the sensual mafia
bosses. Whatever I am in the mood for, I find in the pages of a romance.
Too bad it is the one source of romance in my life.

“That is a good one,” a deep voice startles me, my eyes flying up in
guilt as I try to hide the cover. I nearly drop the book in my haste. Not
trying to hide it. Because I am stunned by the man in front of me.
Standing so tall he has to bend to fit beneath the overhead baggage
compartments, he blocks out everything else. Not because he is huge. He is
the most handsome man I have ever seen. Sparkling blue eyes lit with
mischief and a crooked smile flashing perfect teeth, he is exactly the sort of
man I read about in my romances.

Leaning down, he smirks as he nods at the book I am clutching to my
chest. I flush hot, my entire face aflame as I wish I could hide myself along
with the filthy book. It is a good one, he was not wrong. About an Irish
sailor finding his true love in a small seaport town, all at the flip of a coin.
Peering back up at him, I find my heart is thundering in my chest as I bite
back a smile.

“Yes, yes, it is a good one. I ought to be ashamed to be reading it at
my age. I can’t help myself. I love a good happy ever after I suppose.”
Nodding, he moves to sit beside me. He takes up the entire space
between us. Not with his big body, thick arms, and powerful thighs, but
with himself. His presence. The air fills with warmth, with a spicy, leather
scent. I find myself leaning closer, as if drawn to both against my will.
“We all want a happy ever after, don’t we?” His voice is soft, as if
we’re sharing a secret, with the slightest Londoner’s lilt.

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