Solitaire by Alice Oseman EPUB & PDF

Solitaire by Alice Oseman EPUB & PDF

Solitaire by Alice Oseman EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Alice Oseman
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Page: 246
  • Price: Free

I AM AWARE as I step into the common room that the
majority of people here are almost dead, including me. I have
been reliably informed that post-Christmas blues are entirely
normal and that we should expect to feel somewhat numb after
the “happiest” time of the year, but I don’t feel so different
now to how I felt on Christmas Eve, or on Christmas Day, or
on any other day since the Christmas holidays started. I’m
back now and it’s another year. Nothing is going to happen.
I stand there. Becky and I look at each other.
“Tori,” says Becky, “you look a little bit like you want to
kill yourself.”

She and the rest of Our Lot have sprawled themselves over
a collection of swivel chairs around the common room
computer desks. As it’s the first day back, there has been a
widespread hair-and-makeup effort across the entire Sixth
Form, and I immediately feel inadequate.
I deflate into a chair and nod philosophically. “It’s funny
because it’s true.”

She looks at me some more but doesn’t really look, and we
laugh at something that wasn’t funny. Becky then realizes that
I am in no mood to do anything, so she moves away. I lean
into my arms and fall half-asleep.

My name is Victoria Spring. I think you should know that I
make up a lot of stuff in my head and then get sad about it. I
like to sleep and I like to blog. I am going to die someday.
Rebecca Allen is probably my only real friend at the
moment. She is also probably my best friend. I am as yet
unsure whether these two facts are related. In any case, Becky
Allen is very pretty and has very long purple hair. It has come
to my attention that if you have purple hair, people often look
at you. If you are pretty with purple hair, people often stay
looking at you, thus resulting in you becoming a widely
recognized and outstandingly popular figure in adolescent
society; the sort of figure that everyone claims to know yet
probably hasn’t even spoken to. She has 2098 friends on

Right now, Becky’s talking to this other girl from Our Lot,
Evelyn Foley. Evelyn is considered “retro” because she has
messy hair and wears a necklace with a triangle on it.
“The real question is, though,” says Evelyn, “is there
sexual tension between Harry and Malfoy?”
I’m not sure whether Becky genuinely likes Evelyn.
Sometimes I think people only pretend to like each other.

“Only in fanfictions, Evelyn,” says Becky. “Please keep
your fantasies between yourself and your blog.”
Evelyn laughs. “I’m just saying. Malfoy helps Harry in the
end, right? He’s a nice guy deep down, yeah? So why does he
bully Harry for seven years? Enormous. Closet. Homosexual.”
With each word she claps her hands together. It really doesn’t
emphasize her point. “It’s a well-established fact that people
tease people they fancy. The psychology here is unarguable.”

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