Sold to the Alpha Wolf by Kayla Wolf EPUB & PDF

Sold to the Alpha Wolf (ROCKY MOUNTAINS ALPHAS #1) by Kayla Wolf EPUB & PDF

Sold to the Alpha Wolf (ROCKY MOUNTAINS ALPHAS #1) by Kayla Wolf EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kayla Wolf
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.5 MB
  • Price: Free

A year ago
Exhaustion clung to my muscles as strongly as rust to iron. It had
been the day that would never end, thanks to Terrance’s nearly endless
number of tasks—everything from getting basic supplies like flour and a
smattering of vegetables to more specific things like a new lightbulb for the
porch, a new length of chain and a padlock for the main gate, and drain
cleaner because there was a clog in the downstairs bathroom. But I was well
down the damn ranks. I should just be glad that I was alive, right?
Yeah, I’m thrilled about it.

My thin metal ring clinked against the glass in my hand as I
fidgeted, and I studied the simple rope-like design pressed into the silver. It
was the only thing I had left of my mother, and I had a permanent tan line
around my middle finger because of it. Not that I was anywhere near
actually “tan.” No, I was sporting the white-as-hell look at all times.

I looked up at the mirrored back wall across from me, meeting my
eyes in the reflection. This shitty bar was what the humans called a dive,
and while it was sticky and the service sucked and the beer options were
limited to only domestics below five dollars a glass, it was the only piece of
freedom I enjoyed.

The only benefit to my unfortunate situation.
After all, I was just a wolfless omega disgrace. The only thing I had
going for me was the ability to make these rare trips into town to get
supplies for the pack because I was “basically a human anyway,” at least
according to everyone else in the Collins pack.

The humans were at least kind enough to ignore me. I wasn’t
snarled at and shoved out of the way on the regular. People kept their
distance, and I kept mine. I just wanted to exist without fear and ridicule for
thirty minutes.

Plus, sneaking off to the bar for this singular drink was my small act
of rebellion. One that wouldn’t actually affect anything, so it felt safe
enough to enjoy—a rare feeling for me. And the only evidence that I had a
personality outside of just being a doormat for the other wolves to step on.
Besides, the splotchy mirror and bad music weren’t the only subpar
things around here.

You really need to get out of your head, Senna.
But it was no use. I was depression central at all times of the day,
and my utterly hated existence among my own pack was a surefire way to
keep me solidly in Bluesville for the foreseeable future.

That mirror in front of me was also shouting it from the rooftops.
Sighing, I took another swig of the vodka and soda, tracking the details of
my appearance in the reflective surface.

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